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My Books Are Coming


About the Upcoming Books

Embark on a Literary Odyssey

Dive into the mystical aura of Ahpay Amah through the visionary eyes of Master Himala Pahadi. We are on the cusp of unveiling two manuscripts that transcend the boundaries of storytelling, inviting you into experiences shrouded in ancient wisdom and spiritual transcendence.


This developing series melds spiritual fiction with the rich textures of historical and literary narratives. At its core is a fictional memoir by the enigmatic Master Himala Pahadi, drawing you into a world where reality and spirituality intertwine with captivating elegance.


The series begins with The Secret Teachings of Ahpay Amah: Ascending the Spiritual Realms, offering an immersive journey into the venerable practices of Ahpay Amah, guiding readers toward unparalleled spiritual enlightenment.


Anticipate the Unveiling


Prepare for the series's grand debut coming soon. Stay attuned for exclusive excerpts, insights, and a peek behind the mystical veil as the release date approaches.


Join us on this profound voyage into the essence of Ahpay Amah, where enigmatic teachings and soul-stirring narratives await to transform your perception of the spiritual and the real.



More About The Books

Book 1: The Secret Teachings of Ahpay Amah: Ascending the Spiritual Realms


In the aftermath of the 2015 Nepal earthquake, a legacy is passed to Master Himala Pahadi—the mystical wisdom of Ahpay Amah. This narrative takes you from the vibrant streets of 2009 Toronto into the heart of ancient spirituality. Join an ordinary man's extraordinary journey under Master Nava's guidance, from meditative awakenings to confronting a past filled with love, betrayal, and the quest for ascension. This tale is an invitation to explore the depths of your potential amidst the cosmic dance of destiny.


Book 2: The Secret Teachings of Ahpay Amah: The Ritual of Ascension


Poised for the sacred Ritual of Ascension, Corey delves into Master Nava's shadowed past, uncovering secrets that might enlighten or engulf his path in darkness. This sequel delves deeper into the essence of being a Watcher of Ahpay Amah, challenging the core of belief and the price of spiritual elevation. Embark on a journey that questions the very fabric of existence and the ancient wisdom that binds us.



Back of Book Blurbs

The Secret Teachings of Ahpay Amah: Ascending the Spiritual Realms


Is the path to true ascension worth forsaking the world you once believed in? In the heart of modern Toronto, Corey's seemingly ordinary life spirals into the extraordinary following a fateful encounter with Master Goddess Nava. She is the guardian of 'The Secret Teachings of Ahpay Amah,' ancient wisdom tracing back 250,000 years to Africa and preserved across millennia in Nepal. As Corey embarks on his transformation into the ascended Master Himala Pahadi, he faces not just external challenges but a deep internal struggle. The teachings unravel his long-held beliefs, thrusting him into a vortex of self-doubt and existential crisis. This internal battle threatens to dismantle the very essence of his identity, highlighting the precarious balance between ascension and the world he's known. Delving into Ahpay Amah's rich teachings, Corey discovers the transformative power of ancient wisdom and his critical role in its protection against forces seeking its obliteration. This narrative, deeply infused with mysticism and the pursuit of deeper truth, promises to not just enlighten but to challenge readers to confront and question the foundations of their own beliefs.


The Secret Teachings of Ahpay Amah: The Ritual of Ascension


Is ascension possible within the confines of a past full of traps? Corey is poised on the cusp of the sacred Ritual of Ascension, his months of rigorous training with Master Nava culminating in this defining moment. With each meditation and heightened resonance, the line between success and failure grows thin.

Meanwhile, unraveling Master Nava's tumultuous past—marked by darkness and loss—Corey uncovers secrets that could illuminate his path or cast it into shadow. As the echoes of her master's fate intertwine with his own quest, Corey is forced to confront a harrowing truth: the journey to ascension is as much about battling the shadows within as overcoming the challenges without.

Delve deeper into the mysteries of ancient wisdom in this enthralling sequel. Here, the true essence of being a Watcher of Ahpay Amah unfolds, demanding not just discipline but a complete dismantling of self. Embark on a narrative that challenges the very foundations of belief, asking what ascension truly costs and what secrets lie buried in mankind's ancient history. Prepare for a journey that promises enlightenment and compels a reexamination of all you hold true.

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