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A deep dive of your Vostes’s Qualities

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

How to learn Ahpay Amah? Let's start with your Vostes (remember, it's pronounced voh-stays). They're the five frequencies that shape your body's sphere of sway. Anyone nearby can feel this aura of resonance enveloping you. It's those vibes you get when you sit beside someone. You'll figure out that the weaker your Vostes, the more uncomfortable you become to others. You've got the power to pump up or dial down each of these five Vostes. When you suppress them, they clash with another person's vibe, but when you let them expand, you harmonize. Expanding your Vostes, that's the ticket to broadening your reach.

Credit: The top illustration created by, Master Himala Pahadi, all illustrations below created by, Eric Pflug


The frequency of the Lovoste is the focal point of your capacity to love. It embodies love through a divine heart—a profound affection and warm embrace of unconditional attachment to the entirety of creation. This love, akin to that of the Divine, knows no exclusions, never harbors condemnations, and requires no possessions. It emanates as an unrestrained vitality, impervious to external commands, yet withholding it locks one into servitude, and suppressing it constrains the spirit. This boundless love is the quintessential element of your innermost contentment and the very reason for your existence.


The frequency of the Hayvoste is associated with healing. It represents healing through a divine manifestation of love. Love, being the most potent healing force in the world, possesses the ability to mend even the deepest wounds. When you love unconditionally, radiating with the intensity of new lovers, your wounds simply dissolve. It wields the power to surpass tranquility, delving into the very core of one's being to effect profound reconstruction. It can elevate individuals to a state of exaltation. This Voste encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual wellness, leading to a transformative emotional experience that enables you to genuinely become a healing force. A true healer not only heals others but also experiences their own healing in the process. Within the vibrations of the Hayvoste, there are no selfish gains—only an internal elixir of love's healing properties.


The frequency of the Sayvoste embodies the concept of creation through insight. It signifies the frequency responsible for insight and the formulation of your reality. Your observing mind serves as the architect of these wonders, for without it, nothing can exist. The observing mind also grants you the gift of intuition, a divine trait that reflects the likeness of your Real Divine. Intuition guides your thoughts along uncharted paths, leading you away from the comfort of the known and into the mysterious depths of new awareness. It introduces you to novel wonders that defy the old, rendering past intuitions obsolete in the face of new revelations. Through this process, you discover the divine within yourself. No amount of worldly wealth can render your Real Divine's likeness as clearly as your intuitions can. When oppressive authorities suppress or marginalize your intuitions, you lose a vital connection to the divine. Embrace your role as a daydreamer who understands that daydreams are creative journeys that lead to wisdom surpassing what any authority can bestow upon you. These journeys are your pathways to the Pure Thought Planes.


The frequency of the Krayvoste serves as your connection to the cosmos and higher realms. It acts as a conduit through which ethereal wisdom and experiences are shared. In its embrace, you align with your intended design, resonating in perfect harmony and radiance. A master adeptly utilizes this Voste to both observe and be embraced by the entirety of creation. It stands in stark contrast to dimness; instead, it enhances your luminosity. The brighter your vibrational essence becomes, the more attuned you are to sources of cosmic energy. At the pinnacle of harmony, you are cherished by conscious life itself. The Krayvoste does not seek to make you comprehend cosmic existence; it immerses you within it. It doesn't strive to make you grasp connections; it propels you into interconnectedness. Through it, you come to genuinely experience life and connection. This Voste is your bridge to a higher consciousness, a realm of profound wisdom. At the zenith of harmony, you awaken. When strengthened, the Krayvoste readies you for the ignition of your Divine Flame. Oppression weakens it, leaving you trapped in the depths of sorrow, anger, hatred, and jealousy.


The frequency of the Novoste empowers you to stand with unwavering courage. Its vibrations provide the strength needed to break free from oppressive artificial environments. When you possess courage, you venture forth with your whole heart, unafraid of the perils that may lie ahead. Authorities cannot confine your spirit in the name of false security. You are the fearless adventurer who conquers internal mountains, those inner obstacles that obstruct your spirit's path. If the vibrations of your Novoste are feeble, you may struggle to find the courage required to surmount these internal barriers. Conquering them is a feat reserved for those who are truly liberated from oppression.


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