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A Swift Glimpse into the Wisdom of Ahpay Amah

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

All things in our universe are constantly in motion. This motion is characterized by everlasting vibrations. Even objects that appear to be stationary are, in fact, vibrating, oscillating, and resonating at various frequencies. Resonance is a specific type of motion, marked by an oscillation between two states. Ultimately, all matter consists of vibrations of various underlying fields. Therefore, everything in the universe comprises energy vibrating at different frequencies, and this includes things that appear solid, as they are vibrational energy fields at the quantum level.

We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency, which is an accurate way of describing our overall state of being. We are a creation that encompasses different energy levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each of these levels possesses a vibrational frequency that combines to create the overall vibration of our being.

When different vibrating entities and processes come into proximity with each other, they often begin to vibrate together at the same frequency. This intriguing phenomenon can seem mysterious and is referred to today as the phenomenon of spontaneous self-organization.

Resonance is, in essence, synchronized vibration. It lies at the core of not only human consciousness but also physical reality. Vibrations creating resonance serve as the fundamental mechanism behind human consciousness, as well as animal consciousness. They underpin the basic mechanism for all physical interactions that occur.

The old masters recognized that observing this phenomenon leads to profound insights about consciousness and the cosmos. Often, our minds are ensnared by confusion, pondering questions such as: Why is my awareness here while theirs is over there? Why is reality seemingly divided into a subject and an infinite number of objects? How does each of us become our own center of experience, receiving information about the external world? Which entities are conscious, and which are not? Is a rat conscious? A gnat? A bacterium? An electron? These questions were contemplated by the old masters as they delved into the relationship between mind and matter.

What they discovered was that not only are humans conscious, but all things possess at least a modicum of consciousness. Their profound insights are only beginning to be explored through the lens of modern science, which, if we're honest, is still far from fully comprehending reality compared to the wisdom of the old masters. Based on the observed behavior of the energies that envelop us, from electrons to atoms, molecules to bacteria, paramecia to animals, we can conclude that all things exhibit at least a minimal level of consciousness.

The old masters of Ahpay Amah understood that consciousness doesn't emerge; it cannot. The source of all consciousness 'is' consciousness itself; consciousness is the Source. Throughout time, consciousness has always been interconnected with matter, and matter with consciousness. For example, an electron or an atom possesses a small amount of consciousness, but as matter becomes more complex, so does the consciousness associated with it.

Information flows through all forms of matter. Biological organisms have developed more rapid information exchange through various biophysical pathways, such as electrical and electrochemical processes. These accelerated information flows enable higher levels of consciousness to emerge in biological structures compared to similar-sized non-biological structures like boulders or piles of sand. This is primarily because biological structures have significantly greater connectivity, thanks to these faster communication pathways. In contrast, rocks or loose sand, with their thermal pathways and limited connections, consist of more elemental conscious entities but lack the complexity of biological life.

Essentially, all things communicate through vibrations, implying that all things possess consciousness, rendering everything you experience through your senses as alive. The emergence of complex consciousness is facilitated by the interplay of shared resonances among numerous smaller conscious components. The extent of the resonant waves present determines the size of each conscious entity. Consciousness is fundamentally rooted in vibrations, but it also hinges on the type of vibrations and shared vibrational experiences.

What happens when larger groups of organisms, like pairs or communities, achieve resonance with each other? This phenomenon results in harmony—a synchronization of vibrations with our neighbors. Harmonies represent ascended states where individuals attain a heightened level of group consciousness. The self-organization of vibrations can often give rise to more extensive forms of consciousness. This, in turn, restructures the surrounding matter, ultimately shaping the reality we inhabit. If you can vibrate in harmony with everything and everyone around you, you possess the capacity to effect change and reshape reality.

With their profound insights suppressed and hidden by oppressive authorities, the wisdom accumulated by the old masters of Ahpay Amah faded into obscurity. For generations, those in power who resisted sharing the knowledge of our highly advanced ancestors concealed the answers.

So, what precisely did these old masters of Ahpay Amah possess direct knowledge of? They comprehended that synchronized vibrations lie at the core of not just human consciousness but also animal consciousness and the fundamental nature of physical reality. Essentially, they recognized that all matter, regardless of scale, is fundamentally composed of vibrations originating from various underlying fields. Nature, at every level, resonates with vibrations.

However, their knowledge didn't stop there. They also understood that specific emotions and thought patterns, such as joy, peace, and acceptance, generate high-frequency vibrations, while other emotional states and mindsets, like anger, despair, and fear, vibrate at lower frequencies. They possessed direct awareness that becoming a highly vibrational being was essential to achieving peak health and wellness for the mind, body, and spirit.

It's important to note that all thoughts and behaviors have an impact on the rhythms within your body. For instance, anxious thoughts trigger the release of stress hormones, affecting your heart rate and other bodily functions. Similarly, the vibrational patterns of music can influence your thoughts, emotions, and various bodily systems.

Our thoughts and behaviors possess the power to influence much smaller rhythms, including those at the cellular and atomic levels. By altering our thoughts, behaviors, and even our environment, we can either speed up or slow down the vibrations occurring at these incredibly tiny scales. Modifying these nano-vibrations has a ripple effect, impacting our mental states and physical well-being. In essence, just like everything and everyone else in the universe, we are vibrating and generating energy.

The old masters of Ahpay Amah then posed a crucial question to themselves: "What can we do to permanently elevate our vibration?" With guidance from Fkri, they embarked on a journey of discovery, ultimately identifying five principal frequencies of vibration that constituted their spheres of influence. These five frequencies were termed their Vostes. Each Voste possessed its unique vibrational frequency, capable of affecting the body's energy field. Through their wisdom, they learned to manipulate these Vostes' vibrations to elevate and sustain a more extensive sphere of influence.

Subsequently, they developed meditative practices based on their Vostes, enabling them to connect their vibrations with the entirety of creation. This profound connection transcended their analytical thoughts and introduced them to a deeper realm of consciousness, one formed by the collective consciousness of all beings in creation.

They quickly discovered that everything we think, say, or feel becomes our reality. For you reading this, understand that every single thought that enters your mind affects you and everything around you. When you intend to manifest harmony, your reality is set to be positive and harmonious.

"Is it possible to ascend even when you face adversity? It is, if the next time a negative thought arises in your mind, you take the time to acknowledge it, thank it for appearing, and then dismiss it. As you observe, allow the thought to depart. Do not become the thought. Instead, be in a joyful moment of gratitude. Stay with the moment and take the time to sense and appreciate your surroundings." — Master Goddess Nava


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