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Ahpay Amah set side by side to modern shamanism

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

Besides animism, the initial similarity between Ahpay Amah and modern shamanism is the concept of initiation. As stated before, the old masters of Ahpay Amah never called themselves shamans. The word shaman did not exist when Ahpay Amah was first discovered. A being who held Direct Knowing was considered by the community to be a master of Fkri, a master of Ahpay Amah, or called a Watcher. The word Fkri, translated to English, is Watcher. These are different and interchangeable ways of describing the same ascended being. Necessity has required every master since the old masters of Ahpay Amah to go through a ritual of ascension. Once they have completed the ritual, they continue their journey to have the Direct Knowing of a master.

Modern shamans, in most cases, claim that their dreams or supernatural signs called them to shamanism. Yet there are shamans whose powers their community believes to be inherited. No matter how the shaman comes to be today, the reality is the further back in time you look, the longer it took for the shamanic initiation to take place. Traditional shamanism generally took years to master.

A common theme that exists between the initiation of traditional shamans, including Ahpay Amah, involves a psychological crisis. The significant role of initiatory illnesses in the calling of a shaman is a common thread between all traditions. Once the shaman proves that they can clear this illness, they are considered trustworthy and skilled enough to heal others. These illnesses can range from being raised in the control matrix to things like alcoholism, stunted growth, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc.

In Ahpay Amah, it is understood that all people since the old masters exist in a state of illness or suffering, to varying degrees. Part of its direct knowing is understanding how to ascend the suffering. As a whole, modern people sit in a continual state of descension, which is the opposite of ascension. This is what a Watcher would call “the trap”. A child is born ascended, and society “descends” that child. This is done until the child grows up to exist in a continual state of suffering. A master of Fkri is a being who has mastered the Ritual of Ascension and thus has ascended beyond the trap.

Every shamanic culture had, or still has, their unique ways of initiation. Within the details of those ways, you will see the difference between others and Ahpay Amah. In Ahpay Amah, the ascension is thought of as a simple change of mind. The new mindset is to become formless by rejecting suffering and embracing an orgasmic state of mind. The orgasmic state of mind is that which modern shamans call an altered state of mind.

So, how did the masters of Fkri become formless? Hundreds of thousands of years before the surfacing of Indian Philosophy, the shamans of deep, deep prehistory expertly used what we call today meditations to ascend beyond suffering. The idea of meditation was to become formless by understanding the illusionary state of our lower illusory plane. Here, as well as beyond, everything is vibrations only, and in Ahpay Amah, there were nine meditations that began the process of ascending beyond the suffering. These meditations revolve around resonant frequencies along the body, of which there are five. The five frequencies are Lovoste, Hayvoste, Sayvoste, Krayvoste, and Novoste.

Masters passed the meditations down from master to student. They guided the student through the Ritual of Ascension. This ritual was a process of healing, through awareness, compassion, and empathy. The dissonance that pulls us out of harmony with ourselves and others is a result of shame, anger, fear, and a frustrated possessive mindset that seeks control of the illusion. What people seek the most control over is the image of oneself and others. These are all meant to be ascended. That is why, unlike modern shamanism, the entire process is done in your natural state. The concept of shame of the body where a costume must be designed to hide it behind is dropped immediately. All meditations are also sensory based and done without obstruction of clothing. In the modern day, where authorities have taught you from birth to despise your body, it is difficult to unlearn that dysfunction. That is why the Ritual of Ascension was designed to take its time with the student. You did not fail, nor were you ever judged by the process. The ritual simply helps you be contemplative until you ascend. Only once the ascension occurs are you asked to embrace an orgasmic state of mind.

Perhaps even more than the ascension process, the orgasmic state of mind is completely unique to Ahpay Amah. Some modern shamans use music like songs, chants, and drums. Some use drugs. Some undulate into trance-like states. In Ahpay Amah, the masters use an altered state known as the Orgasmic State. Trance states are methods of reaching an altered state of mind. Within these states, the shaman is believed to have access to manifesting intentions. The word spell and magic are modern terms. For the old masters of Ahpay Amah, they simply were manifesting intentions.

This brings us back to the altered state of mind and the reason Ahpay Amah is so effective, yet so thoroughly oppressed. The oppression stems from the concept of indecency. In Ahpay Amah, the masters make use of orgasms to reach and hold on to an altered state of mind. These are techniques older and more effective than all the others. Drugs are too chemically intense and wear off, leaving the shaman exhausted. Dance and all other forms of music require too much effort to maintain. Only through proper understanding of the vibration of the body can you achieve and hold on to an orgasm. Once in that state, you are the most powerful being one can be. By reading further, I will show you how these masters used that state.

Ascended beings with this kind of conscious power (which lacks any self-consciousness), are impossible to manipulate and control. All oppression begins with lies that take the body away from the oppressed individual. Today, your society has taken your body from you in order to oppress your power and place you inside the trap. Ahpay Amah allows you to reclaim your body and then shows you how to use it to manifest powerful intentions.

Only after ascension will the master show the student how to ignite their divine flame and achieve an orgasmic state of mind. Then only after that will the master show the student how to manifest intentions. Once a student masters all of those, they themselves are masters of Fkri.

It is proper to point out here that even though Ahpay Amah makes use of meditation as an aid to manifesting intentions, one should not confuse shamanic states of consciousness with meditation. A shamanic state, or orgasmic state of mind, is intensely concentrated with the experience being highly organized according to intention. Ahpay Amah meditations are based on concentration of the senses. They are focused on awareness of bodily sensation that can aid the orgasmic state of mind, which is a highly aroused state flying between layers of conscious planes.

Let’s break down the process into steps. These are the five steps a being would take to become a Master of Fkri, Master of Ahpay Amah, a Watcher.

  1. A student begins from a predictable state of physical and mental suffering, and thus must learn to become formless. This process begins with meditations that revolve around centers of vibrations called Vostes. The result of learning to be formless allows the student to understand that they can escape the traps of suffering.

  1. Once the student understands the meditations, a Master guides them through the Ritual of Ascension. This guided journey (one which may take as long as necessary) completes the process of ascension. As a result, the self-consciousness has been dropped for a more fulfilling state of pure consciousness.

  1. The newly ascended student is ready to discover their altered state of mind. A more intense state than a meditative mind, this altered state is achieved through a process called Igniting your Divine Flame. The results are an Orgasmic State of Mind. This is a state that the student should hold on to without dropping.

  1. The initiation is not complete. The newly ascended student must complete the ritual of the Nine Cosmic Gharaharū (gara-ha-roo). After the Ritual of the Nine Cosmic Gharaharū. The master and student can undergo the Ritual of Rebirth, which grants the student the title of Master.

  1. After the master has a deep direct knowing of the Nine Gharaharū of Ahpay Amah, and has undergone the Ritual of Rebirth, the master is ready to be a healer, (one who can manifest intentions) and a teacher. This new master is also ready to find and teach a student of their own.


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