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Caṭṭāna Meditations: Harnessing the Vibrational Power of Stones

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

"Caṭṭāna is a Nepalese word for stone. In English, we refer to this practice as the stone meditation. Stones are commonly used when attempting to enhance the vibrations of a specific Voste. Due to a stone's crystalline nature, it can store vast amounts of energy and vibrational memory. These qualities refer to the abilities given to specific vibrations. For instance, low vibrations present a substantial mass. As the frequency of a vibration increases, the mass tends to become more formless. Higher vibrations aim to achieve elevated states of consciousness. If you're interested in meditating with a stone, first determine which Voste you intend to amplify, or decide to amplify them all. The stone will assist you in sensing your vibrations.

If you find it challenging to perceive the vibrations, or your master suggests that you could experience them more intensely, stones can be beneficial. Placing a stone on the Lovoste, for example, enhances your capacity for divine love, thereby strengthening the Lovoste. The same principle applies to insight, healing, connection, and courage.

A master might have various tools embedded with stones. Alternatively, you could craft your own or simply use standalone stones. Position the stones over your Vostes. Engage in these meditations while reclined on a soft surface, maintaining slow, profound, and intentional breathing.

With the stones set, the practitioner then concentrates on intensifying the vibrations of the Voste. The stone serves as a conduit for your intentions, which can vary. The most prevalent intention is to assist in recognizing the Vostes and embracing their essence.

When a master is present, they can channel assistance from the cosmic consciousness. The objective is to optimize each meditation session, utilizing as many intentions as feasible. The practitioner's intention, augmented by the energized stone or stones, combined with the master's intention and the cosmic consciousness, creates a powerful synergy. Occasionally, a master might invoke a spirit or a higher-dimensional entity. A master will discern what is most apt and potent.

If you don't have a master at your disposal, rest assured that any stone you resonate with will be adequate. Simply position the stone on the Voste and concentrate on sensing its vibrations."

Note: I've tried to maintain clarity and coherence throughout. Please ensure that any changes made still align with the intended meaning and message you wish to convey.


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