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Channeling the Essence: The Rites of Pravr̥tti Meditation

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

Pravr̥tti is a word from Sanskrit meaning "path of action." In this case, I believe it could refer to an instinctual action. If I were to give the meditation an English translation, I might call it the "Instinctive Movement Meditation." Humanity has lost its naturalistic instincts. These instincts, in the animal sense, represent that powerful, unmistakable inner voice which tells them unequivocally what to do: when, where, how, and with whom. Making decisions solely with our thoughts—without consciously connecting with our instincts, feelings, and intuitions—has dire consequences for both individuals and our species. With the Pravr̥tti Meditation, we reforge our mind with our body.

The old masters of Ahpay Amah did just that. They reconnected with their instincts by observing the natural world. They learned how to cultivate the natural energy innate in all biological systems. With this meditation, they could isolate tension in different regions of their body and release it. As with all Ahpay Amah meditations, you learn to relax and tune into your body's vibrations. When you use your Vostes in meditation, your mind becomes more aware of your body and how it stabilizes to find its equilibrium. Master Nava preferred this meditation after reaching an orgasm that sent her into an altered state of mind. This is a standing meditation, which employs fluid, graceful movements.

Here is how to stand:

1) Stand with feet pointed straight ahead, parallel to each other, and firmly on the ground at shoulder width. Grasp the ground with your feet while keeping them elastic with the tip of the toes slightly extended.

2) Extend upward from the crown of your head into the sky. You want your head to feel like it’s floating above your neck, effortlessly suspended above your spine.

3) Allow your hips to slightly sink down as if you were sitting on the edge of a high barstool. This will straighten the spine from your lower back. Most people have a natural “s” curve in their spine. One of the primary aims of this standing posture is to reduce the curvature of the spine as much as possible to open the flow of energy. This occurs over time by maintaining the correct posture.

4) Keep your knees bent slightly. Your knees should never be “locked” (too straight) and should never go beyond your toes (too bent).

5) Relax your shoulders. Don’t arch your back like in a military posture. Instead, do the exact opposite by rounding your upper back and making your chest slightly concave.

6) Let your arms rest comfortably at your sides. Imagine a small pea-sized ball under each armpit to create a small space. Just keep your hands and arms relaxed and loose as they hang to your sides.

7) Let the palms of your hands face toward your hips. Because of the small space under your armpits, your hands won’t touch your hips; instead, they will hang about two to three inches from your hips.

8) Tuck your chin inward. Roll it inward and up toward the top of your head. This opens the area where your spine meets your skull.

9) Keep your eyes slightly open with a soft gaze ahead of you. Keeping your eyes open can lead to distractions, and closing them can lead to tiredness. A soft gaze with eyes almost closed provides the optimal conditions when you’re first learning this or any other meditation.

10) Now move the vibrations of your Vostes into each other, beginning with the Krayvoste. Find a pattern that allows this to be an expressive dance-like meditation.

A few pointers to assist you:

  • Breathe comfortably, slowing, and quietly through your nose. Feel your whole body relax deeper with every exhale.

  • Avoid forcing your breath; keep it calm. Eventually, you will not pay attention to your breath.

  • Avoid using physical strength. Rest yourself on your skeletal structure instead.

  • Be gentle with yourself. “Trying” to stand will increase tension.

Your first aim is to sink all of your muscle tension into your feet and into the ground below them. To assist you in this effort, try placing all of your attention on your feet first. The most important thing is to avoid exerting yourself either mentally or physically. If we use physical strength, our vibrations will be blocked. When your vibration is blocked, your mind will be distracted. And when our mind is distracted, we will dilute any orgasmic state or reconnection to instincts.

To begin the meditation, disrobe and stand in a tranquil place while in your natural state. Stand up tall and place both hands upon your Kayvoste with the fingertips of each hand touching at the center of the Krayvoste. Breathe slowly. With each breath, feel the vibrations of your Krayvoste and Hayvoste build. They both have their own frequency and vibrational quality. Allow for the two to become harmonious together. Focus on the sensation of the touch. Here you are combining the attributes of your Connection to the Cosmos with your Innate Healing. You may come to understand that to heal through cosmic connection is to be sensational.

As you combine the vibrations of these Vostes, imagine them growing. Do not hold your breath, breathe deeply and rhythmically. Focus your attention on the physical sensation, not your thoughts. In all Ahpay Amah meditations, you are just the sky. There is no thought between you and existence. Your thoughts are clouds, but you are the sky they just float through you. You are not the thoughts. You are pulled out of time and thought and are just vibrations, pure existence.

  • Now let’s begin by moving your fingers up your torso until they rest upon your Lovoste, with the fingertips of each hand touching at the center of the Lovoste. Breathe slowly. With each breath, feel the vibrations of the Lovoste, Krayvoste and Hayvoste build and expand over your whole body.

  • Move your fingers of the right hand, from the Lovoste, up the left arm, to the Hayvoste. Her both hands come together with folded hands. Imagine that you have spread the vibrations of the Lovoste down your arm to the Hayvoste. This is akin to spreading butter over bread. You must feel the arm aliven with the vibrations of the Lovoste. You will then spread the combined Loveste and Hayvovoste vibrations from your folded hands back to the Lovoste. To do this, you will slide your left hand from your folded hands, down the right arm, back to your upper chest. There you will once again place both hands upon your Lovoste with the fingertips of each hand touching at the center of the Lovoste.

  • Now move your fingers up from your Lovoste until they rest upon your Sayvoste, with the fingertips of each hand touching at the center of the Sayvoste. Feel the vibrations as they roll over your neck, chin, lips, nose and, finally, forehead. Breathe slow breaths. With each breath, feel the vibrations of your creative insight build and harmonize with the vibrations of your Lovoste and Hayvoste. While you breathe, with your fingertips (of both hands), combine the qualities of your Divine Love, Innate Healing and Creative Insights. Allow them to create harmony. Imagine, it is as if you have struck three strings on a guitar to make a perfect three-note chord.

  • Now move your finger apart from the center of the Sayvoste outward to the temples of the forehead and up to the hairline, then down your cheeks, then chin. Move your fingers down from the chin to the Lovoste. With this tracing of fingers over skin, you must feel the skin alive with the vibrations of the Lovoste, Hayvoste, and Sayvoste. You can heal with Divine Love and Creative Insights.

  • Repeat Steps one and two. Remember, every part of your body you touch comes alive with vibration. It is simply to spread them over the body with your awareness.

  • Move your fingers straight down your torso from the Lovoste to your Krayvoste. Be sensational. Feel the sensation of the vibrations following your fingers down to the Krayvoste. Breathe slow breaths. With each breath, feel the vibrations of your creative insight build and harmonize with the vibrations of your Lovoste and Hayvoste. While you breathe, with your fingertips (of both hands) resting an inch below your navel, combine the qualities of your Divine Love, Innate Healing and Creative Insights to your Connection to the Cosmos. Allow them to create harmony. Imagine, it is as if you have struck four strings on a guitar to make a perfect three-note chord.

  • Move your fingers apart from your Krayvoste and spread the vibrations outward towards the hips. Breath deep breaths. Let your waist come alive like wearing a belt of Divine Love, Innate Healing, Creative Insights that aids your Connection to the Cosmos. Take a half step forward with your dominant foot. Pull your hands together and rest them on your dominant side hip. With both hands, follow the outside thigh of your dominant leg to the Novoste. Feel the sensation of the vibrations following your fingers down to the Novoste. Rest your hands together on top of your dominant foot. Allow the vibrations to combine and build over the skin as you breathe deep breaths. With each breath, feel the vibrations of your Deep Courage, build and harmonize with the vibrations of your Divine Love, Innate Healing and Creative Insights and Connection to the Cosmos. With each inhale and exhale, be aware of the feet. Feel them filled with a courageous, divine love whose connection to the cosmos can use its creative insights to heal.

  • Now trace your hands back up the insides of your dominant leg to your Krayvoste. Let the vibrational sensation follow your fingers. Imagine that they spread the vibrations over your ankles, to the calves, inside thighs, groin muscle, and back just below the navel. Pull your hands together and rest them on the Krayvoste. Visualize the combined vibrations strengthening your Krayvoste. Feel that it is harmonious by sensing the vibrations growing from your Krayvoste, then repeat the last two steps with your nondominant leg.

  • Now move your fingers up your torso until they rest upon your Lovoste, with the fingertips of each hand touching at the center of the Lovoste. Breathe slowly. With each breath, feel the vibrations of all your combined Voste build and expand over your whole body.

  • Repeat the previous steps until you are an expanded field of harmonious vibrations. You will sense your ascended, divine love as it heals with creative insights, while connected deeply to the cosmos with unbreakable courage. Feel the vibration of everything that surrounds you. Connect to them and create a harmony where the boundary of where you end and they begin falls away. They have absorbed you into the grand choir of the universe. This perfect, joyful harmony replaces all suffering.


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