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Earth's Resonance: Bhūkampa Meditation and the Courage Within

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

"Bhūkampa" is a Nepali word meaning "Earth." In English, we refer to this meditation as the earth meditation. Bhūkampa meditation helps you attune to the vibrations of the quaking Earth, reinforcing the understanding that the human mind holds myriad facets, many yet unexplored. Bhūkampa meditation seeks to reconnect you with the earth.

The brain processes our daily concerns: What should I do? What did I miss? Can I pay my bills? Does my partner still care for me? Watch as those thoughts drift away, and you begin to resonate with the vibrations of the earth.

The earth is both fertile and unpredictable, teeming with the capacity to sustain life. Every aspect of life unfolds within its embrace. The earth gives birth to life, nurtures it, witnesses its passing, and then oversees its rebirth. Simultaneously, the earth remains steadfast and resilient, epitomizing endurance and strength.

Bhūkampa is also connected with the Novoste. The Novoste represents courage, urging you to step beyond the superficial. True courage means moving forward wholeheartedly, embracing potential risks. It doesn't mean seeking refuge in false security. Instead, you become a risk-taker, conquering not just the world's mountains but the internal obstacles that hinder your spirit. If the vibrations of your Novoste are weak, you may lack the courage to overcome these inner challenges. However, overcoming them is the purview of those who've genuinely liberated their spirit from oppression.

How to Perform the Bhūkampa Meditation

There are two optimal settings for this meditation. The first, and perhaps most convenient, is within a private space where you can be in your natural state, free from the prying eyes of an unaware and possibly judgmental public. However, the ancient masters of Ahpay Amah, including Master Goddess Nava, practiced this meditation in its traditional form, which calls for an outdoor setting immersed in nature.

Your body's magnetic fields align with those of the Earth, making it ideal to find a serene spot outdoors where you can sit in solitude. Whether under a sunlit sky, amidst drifting clouds, on a starry night, or beneath an overcast canopy, the specific conditions matter less than the overall connection with the essence of the Earth. A secluded hillside away from urban bustle might be apt. Perhaps a lush meadow, a quiet spot deep within the forest, beneath a tree, or even your own backyard—provided you aren't subjected to curious neighbors. Wherever you choose, ensure it is a location where you feel both comfortable and safe.

Once settled, lie down, ensuring as much of your body as possible is in direct contact with the ground in its natural state. Opt for a comfortable spot. Lift your feet, drawing your heels together; let your knees fall outward, resembling outspread wings. In your dominant hand, hold a substantial (blunt, not sharp) Earth element, be it a stone, a piece of wood, or a meteorite fragment.

Personal Note: I personally use an egg-shaped wooden pipe or a smooth, rounded three-inch stone. Traditionally, these tools have been employed because they resonate with the inherent vibrations of the stone and wood, aligning them with the earth. This connection introduces comforting and harmonious energies to your Vostes. Nevertheless, the tool's design permits a measure of personal creativity, provided its intended function remains uncompromised.

Now, place your non-dominant hand just behind your head with its palm facing upwards. Engage all your senses to align with the Earth. Relax your body, breathe gently through your nose, and absorb the various aromas surrounding you – the scent of freshly cut grass, moist soil, or perhaps blossoming flowers and rustling leaves. With your eyes closed, sense the earth supporting your form. Feel the occasional cool breeze and permit yourself to synchronize with nature's rhythms.

Once relaxed, center your attention on the sun's warmth or the gentle wind caressing your face. Visualize roots extending from your Novoste, reaching towards the Krayvoste. Trace each root's journey as it ascends from your feet, travels up your legs, and culminates at the Krayvoste.

With the chosen tool in hand, rhythmically tap on the Novoste. You might emulate a heartbeat, replicate the cadence of a shamanic drum, or mimic the rapid pecks of a hen. However, do not feel confined to these examples. The desired rhythm might even be achieved without any tool, simply by tapping a finger against your chest. Allow the act to amplify the vibrations within.

Having activated these vibrations with your tool, they will resonate in harmony, akin to two tuning forks struck in unison. Channel the Novoste's vibration, following one root's trajectory up your legs. When the tool reconnects with the Novoste, switch to the opposite leg, tracing the path up to the Krayvoste. Navigate this route by tapping your tool in rhythm along the root, culminating at the Krayvoste. Once there, continue tapping until its vibrations harmoniously align with those of the Novoste.

Having established this harmony, pursue another root leading to the Lovoste. Repeat this process for each Vostes, adhering to the sequence you've mastered in the Vostes Kō Nr̥tya Meditation.

An additional note: for your Hayvoste, you will only tap on the arm and hand (which should rest above your head) that do not hold the tool.

  • Novoste to

  • Krayvoste to

  • Lovoste

  • Lovoste to

  • Hayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Sayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Hayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Krayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Hayvoste to

  • Krayvoste to

  • Repeat

I recommend starting with this pattern to familiarize yourself with the meditation's flow. If you make a mistake, don't halt or dwell on it; allow the process to unfold naturally. As you become accustomed to the pattern, feel free to adapt it in a way that resonates best with you.

There's a crucial secondary component to this meditation. As you trace the vibration down the root's path, assist its movement through a figurative "earthquake body undulation." Abruptly and spasmodically, rock your body, creating wave-like motions with your limbs, hips, torso, shoulders, and head. Take a deep breath before initiating the "earthquake" and exhale as you revel in its pleasurable waves. After each quake, relax every muscle and take deep, steadying breaths in preparation for the next surge. Engage your entire body in this exuberant, shivering energy movement. Throughout, maintain the core intention of the meditation.

"Envision yourself as the Earth, embodying all its wonders. Within this contemplation, the Earth births a new life within you. As the Earth, you nourish this nascent existence, witnessing the fading of old suffering. Eventually, preside over the rejuvenation of your entire being. You represent the Earth's stability and resilience, its enduring might.

Connect deeply with the Earth and the Novoste. Visualize the audacity of rebirth, of embracing risk. Feel your burgeoning courage permeating the ground, awakening dormant roots, seeds, and the myriad life forms just beneath the surface. Offer them your strength and tenacity, feeling in return your own roots delving deep into the soil. Relish the solidity and sanctuary of the Earth's embrace. Maintain steady breathing, savoring the union with the earth — its soil, grass, and even the bedrock beneath." — Master Goddess Nava

Trust your intuition. Once you sense a deep connection with the Earth, conclude your meditation. Express gratitude towards the Earth below and the expansive sky above, then gently open your eyes. Gradually become aware of each Vostes, now pulsating with renewed vigor and stamina.


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