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Echoes of the Ancients: Awakening the Lost Mastery Within

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

Deep in our prehistory, there lived powerful beings. These old masters of Ahpay Amah ascended to be the first humans to manifest intentions through an altered state of mind. They existed for several thousands of years without illness or suffering. The thriving society they created was not based on burning fossil fuels or terraforming their environment. They used a form of thought technology (conscious biological technology) to adapt themselves to the environment, living in harmony with the natural world.

The old masters and their thought technology eventually fell victim to forces who sought to transform humanity into a subservient race of undescended beings. For hundreds of thousands of years, humanity’s genetics have been degraded. The old masters’ mind technology was suppressed and left outside of our education. This omission of the old masters from our history has allowed for powerful institutions to rise.

Their goal was to govern human existence from birth to death. Throughout the generations that goal has never changed. This management serves one purpose only. It operates to keep the hierarchies in place. Under this system, all the power lies, not with individuals, but with a select few.

Yet despite their total control over the population, the techniques the old masters used to achieve their manifesting have survived. This tome explains how those techniques survived, what they are, and how to perform them. But why is that information important?

It is important because you have never been told the truth. By design, so much of what we believe we know is based on what we have been told. You believe you know how time works. You believe you know how humanity developed and how it has moved through time. You believe the events of human history have been disclosed to you in an accurate way. You believe you understand the limitations of your body and how it works. You believe you know what the universe is and what created it.

The truth is, you don’t really know. Your knowledge of these sorts of things is based not on direct observation, but on what you have been told by other people. You trust that what authorities have explained to you has been arrived at through reason, and not through manipulation. We turn to authority figures to form an understanding when ideas and beliefs are not testable within the purview of our expertise or individual abilities. Because of that, you should ask, can we trust what we’ve been told? How trustworthy are your authorities? Do you consciously select who and what you listen to? Is that possible anymore?

In the realm of ideas and beliefs, society has plenty of convictions to pass on to you. Yet, in the realm of tangible and practical issues, one of the few rare truths that seems to have endured is the fact that authorities are consistently very wrong about their convictions. Authority figures and experts from human history have a terrible history of being wrong. Many individuals who have had the credibility and respect of their time failed to escape their bias, prejudice and selfish agendas.

Being that these authorities created a narrative based on agendas, they are not suffering ignorance, they are actively deceiving you. Even when someone dares to correct them, the culture will invalidate them. For nearly every being who has tried to pass on a universally truthful message of unity, their authorities silence them. If the message opposes war and tribalism, the authorities gather the tribe to go to war with the messenger.

What have society's “truths” created for the people under their authority? In Peru, during the middle of the 1400s, there happened the largest known child sacrifice in the world. They killed over 140 children and more than 200 animals. Why? Because their authorities need to appear to understand why usually bad weather has occurred. Of course, they blamed the over dramatic gods they created. Drama-gods seem to like placing psychopaths in command of interpreting their wills.

Yes, that example comes from a fairly primitive culture. Yet modern religions are no better. They fabricate several lies designed to keep the people within them from seeking forbidden ancient knowledge. Let’s focus on one example everyone should know. The Catholic church widely espoused that the earth was the center of the universe and everything else revolved around it. They claimed Earth sat at the center of the universe and the church was the most important thing on this earth. It only made sense then that God revolves everything around it. When Galileo Galilei published work that proved that the sun was the center of the universe, he was arrested and tried for heresy.

But of course, religions and governing bodies are often self-serving and prone to deception. The people within them are not so prone to conforming to their deceptions, right? Consider that for thousands of years across the globe, humans have believed, and still believe, that the trade of other humans for the non-consensual exploitation of their labor is morally permissible. Slavery is still accepted in some cultures and you can’t blame the people within that culture. Again, so much of what we believe we know is based on what we have been told.

Total deception is what you face today in this society, and it is why you have never heard the truth about powerful ancient beings who lived thousands of years without illness or suffering. Fortunately, the old master's direct knowing has survived to today. While it remained hidden, it was carefully passed down from master to student. Their life extending rituals of ascension and healing were performed only in the shadows up to now. Now one master dares to immortalize them in a complete panoptic tome.

Authorities promise you are nothing other than an individual biological cosmic accident. The old master had direct knowing that this was not the case. In this tome you’ll come to understand that you are part of all of existence and you have been created as a unique and inestimable expression of the Source. It is the infinite consciousness, unlimited divine love that makes possible your eternal potential. You are never alone. You are a part of all of creation, creating it with your very existence. The intelligence of your consciousness has been very careful in crafting the circumstances of your life.

You are not in duress and your life is not out of control. You are where you are supposed to be, doing exactly what you are meant to do. The experience of being here is why you are here. Because of those, you are more capable and powerful than you know. You make a difference by making everything manifest with only your intentions.

Should you line yourself with divine love and direct knowing, you will be in the right place at the right time. If you learn to do nothing but watch, you will receive the direct knowing and tools that you need to embrace life’s collective wonder. Do you sense the love of life that surrounds you? A shift, a change of mind, is happening and humanity has the unique opportunity to come together and take responsibility to listen and to create a better world.

All of humanity and all the beings who share this planet with you are here to help you ascend. If you are like the old masters, you will be the Watcher with an expanded consciousness. You will be all that you are capable of being. Your life is an expression of the Source and you have every intention of expressing it as a free, ascended, and joyful being. Your life is a celebration of divine love, love is joy, joy is life, life is to be lived in love.

You can begin that process today, live in divine love, and discover your power and magic. This tome will show you how. It will disclose all of that which has been kept from you, and all of humanity. It will show you how to be one of the old masters.


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