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Ember Enlightenment: Unlocking the Secrets of the Mainabattī Meditation

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

"Mainabattī" is a Nepali word for fire. In English, we refer to this practice as the "fire meditation." The fire meditation has the potential to alter your body's temperatures. When practiced consistently and correctly, the Mainabattī Meditation can cultivate resistance to cold solely through the body's natural heat. Our forebears had the capability to reduce their metabolism, making clothing a rarity. Master Goddess Nava shared that, akin to her teacher, she could meditate in the nude overnight in cold conditions without succumbing to the frigid temperatures. For Master Asta, this practice was central to his approach towards impeccable health and remarkable longevity.

This intricate and age-old wisdom interprets the phenomenon as a total relaxation response, inducing a physiological state contrary to typical stress. The outcomes include a reduced metabolism, slower breathing rate, heart rate, and blood pressure. Such a state can aid those battling ailments induced or intensified by stress. The venerable masters of Ahpay Amah transcended afflictions such as anxiety, depression, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, undue anger, insomnia, and even potentially fatal diseases.

To clarify, while this meditation is one that the ancient masters employed to enhance health and longevity, it always complemented an ascension. This ascension assumes a pivotal role in yielding results. Extending one's life without this meditation is indeed feasible. It serves as a distinctive, yet potent instrument within the larger framework of Ahpay Aamah.

This meditation involves intently observing a flame, letting that flame centralize your consciousness as you engage in the Vostes Kō Nr̥tya Meditation. Prior to settling into meditation, scan the space or setting you're in, absorbing all its nuances. Then, sit comfortably before a candle or another carefully constructed flame. External fire pits or fireplaces are ideal settings for the Mainabattī Meditation. Ensure you're in your most natural state as you fixate on the flame. Should the flame emit warmth, hone in on that sensation, using the heat to amplify your senses. Observe your breathing for a moment, ensuring it remains deep, slow, and intentional. Remember, only those in a state of tension take rapid, superficial breaths. Any semblance of tension should dissipate.

How to do the Mainabattī Meditation:

  1. While gazing at this flame, without taking your focus or eyes off of it, notice your periphery sight. Expand your periphery to encompass everything from the front to the behind. Again, do not divert your eyes from the object. You are using your senses to sense the surroundings. Be aware of everything. Slow down your mind and take in everything. Let the flame fill the surroundings. It is securing, warming light and it is replacing the insecure cold.

  2. Now place your Hayvoste (hands) upon your Lovoste (chest) and sense their vibrations. Let them grow. Expand them to fill all the area you are sensing. Feel the vibration as a deep, loving bonding you have created inside yourself. Now bring those vibrations into your other Vostes.

  3. As with any meditation, you may have a master aiding you by guiding you with words or a shamanic technique of healing. If the master is performing a healing, the master will use shaman tools and will stay to the side or back of the student to not break the student’s gaze.

  4. Another alternative is the master or partner could move the vibrations from their Vostes to the mediator. This is bonding, a combining of vibrations to willfully create a harmony. For this to work, the master or partner should not interrupt the mediator’s gaze on the flames.

  5. If the master or partner sits behind the meditator, they may reach around the student to place the Hayvoste upon the meditator’s Lovoste. In that case, the object of focus is easily unbroken, thus never distracted away from.

  6. Now, for the intentions of the meditation, focus on these thoughts: The resonance of fire is a transformational and a regenerating force. Its warmth enables life to thrive, while it consumes all that must be reformed to make way for the new. It is a guiding light of incredible energy, activity, passion, freedom, power, connective love, strength, willfulness and dynamism.

  7. Visualize yourself as formless but for an outline silhouette of brilliant sun-like skin. The inner space is a void of no form. Your skin is radiating and brilliant. On the inside, there is only empty space. Keep moving the Vostes while you establish this visualization.

  8. Now visualize that flame you are staring at as hyper excited vibrations. Pull those vibrations inside of that formless void that is you. They will sit just behind the Krayvoste. Take a moment to establish this visualization.

  9. Once the vibrating flame and its heat are inside, you will begin generating blissful energy. Imagine your breath as the wind that makes the flame grow larger. With each breath, it fills your space with more heat, blissful energy. Your breath stokes this fiery dance and makes it extremely hot.

  10. Now end your Vostes Kō Nr̥tya Meditation on the Krayvoste and hold your movements and breath. As you are holding the breath inside the formless you, just behind the Krayvoste, draw the heat up from below and down from above and condense it into a red hot vibrating ball of heat that sits behind the Krayvoste.

  11. Now draw the heat into your Laylyik (loins) by activating and contracting five times the perineum muscle (like you are holding back from urination). Each contraction pulls more of the fiery vibrations into the Laylyik. Simultaneously, with each contraction, take a quick audible breath. Let that breath stoke the fire building in your Laylyik. Repeat this until all the heat is collected into the Laylyik.

  12. Now again, hold your breath. Sense and feel the burning excited vibrations heating your burning hot loins. Lock the heat in there and slowly allow the heat to dance as you take five quick breaths.

  13. Now release all the heat energy you have created back into the void that is your formless body. Feel its heat wash over your body as everything from your head to your feet is burning hot. Your core is now the flame, the excited vibrating heat.

  14. Resume the Vostes Kō Nr̥tya Meditation and hold this heat for as long as your meditation lasts.

The rest of the meditation you should move inwards, deeper into the warmth of awareness, consciousness, be aware of the mysterious, the miraculous. You know that existence is an illusion, and that warm, blissful energy that makes you a field of vibration is accessible at any time, because it is what you are.


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