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Exploring the Roots of Siberian Shamanism and how Buddhism Influenced it

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

Authored by Master Himala Pahadi

As a spiritual seeker, the world of shamanism has always captivated me. Its roots spread across various cultures, each with its own unique practices and beliefs. One of the most ancient and intricate forms of shamanism is found in Siberia, a vast region in Asia. In this article, we will embark on a journey through time, delving into the mesmerizing history, practices, and traditions of Siberian shamanism.

Siberian Shamanism: Unearthing Ancient Wisdom

Siberian shamanism, often referred to as the "land of shamans," holds its origins in the Siberian region of Russia. It is a spiritual practice that facilitates connections with the spirit world through a myriad of techniques, including drumming, chanting, and the use of hallucinogens. The indigenous tribes of Siberia, deeply connected to nature and their ancestors, were the custodians of this ancient tradition.

Beyond Siberia: Shamanism's Expansion across Asia

Siberian shamanism, although originating in Siberia, extended its influence throughout the vast continent of Asia. Nomadic tribes traversed the land, exchanging ideas and practices, spreading shamanic traditions along their journeys. Thus, shamanism found its way into various Asian cultures, adapting and evolving as it integrated with local beliefs and customs.

Unraveling the Historical Tapestry of Asian Shamanism

The tapestry of shamanism in Asia weaves a rich and intricate history that spans thousands of years. Ancient texts such as the Chinese Book of Changes and the Indian Vedas bear witness to the practice's existence. Shamans played vital roles in Asian societies, serving as healers, spiritual leaders, and advisers. However, the perception of shamans varied across cultures and time periods. Some revered them as powerful conduits to the divine, while others marginalized and persecuted them.

The Dance of Resilience: Hidden Traditions

Shamanic traditions often faced persecution and were driven into secrecy, forcing many practitioners to remain hidden to ensure their survival. In Nepal, the Ahpay Amah masters of shamanism stayed firmly in the shadows, safeguarding their knowledge and customs.

Despite these challenges, shamanism persevered throughout Asia, adapting to the changing landscape. As Buddhism and Taoism spread throughout the region, shamanism embraced and integrated elements of these religions into its practices, resulting in a unique blend of spiritual wisdom.

Similarities and Distinctions: Siberian Shamanism and Asian Shamanism

While Siberian shamanism and Asian shamanism share commonalities, they also possess distinct characteristics. For example, the role of the drum differs between Siberian and Asian shamanism. In Siberia, the drum is a tool for journeying to the spirit world, while in Asia, it serves as a catalyst for rhythmic chanting and dancing. Furthermore, the use of hallucinogens, such as fly agaric mushrooms, is more prevalent in Siberian shamanism compared to other Asian shamanic practices.

Nevertheless, both traditions share a profound reverence for nature and spirits, as well as the quest for insight and healing through connections with the spiritual realm.

Influences and Intersections: Buddhism and Other Religions

The spread of Buddhism and other religions in Asia exerted a significant influence on shamanism. In many Asian cultures, shamanism and Buddhism coexist, with practitioners integrating shamanic practices into their spiritual lives. A notable example is found in Tibet, where Bon shamanism, an ancient Tibetan shamanic tradition, merged with Buddhism, resulting in a unique fusion of the two practices.

Journeying through Southeast Asia: Unique Shamanic Practices

Southeast Asia boasts a tapestry of distinct shamanic practices within its diverse cultures. Indonesia's dukun tradition involves connecting with ancestral spirits for guidance and healing. In Thailand, the phi practice resembles shamanism, with practitioners communing with nature spirits to acquire knowledge and healing. Laos holds a captivating form of shamanism known as Hmong shamanism, which incorporates soul-calling rituals. The Hmong believe that illness and misfortune result from lost or stolen souls, requiring a shaman's expertise to retrieve them.

Shamanism Endures: Modern Expressions

Despite the wave of modernization sweeping across Asia, shamanism continues to occupy a vital space in the spiritual lives of many people. In some cases, shamanism has experienced a revival, with younger generations embracing the practices of their ancestors. Mongolia is a prime example, where a resurgence of shamanism has arisen from a yearning to reconnect with traditional Mongolian culture. Young Mongolians now seek out shamanic teachers to learn the ancient practices.

Preservation and Revitalization: Ensuring Shamanic Traditions Thrive

Preserving and reviving shamanic traditions in Asia is a pressing endeavor, as many of these practices teeter on the edge of oblivion due to the march of modernity. Numerous organizations, like the International Society for Shamanic Research, strive to document and promote shamanic practices in Asia and beyond. By collaborating with practitioners and scholars, these organizations ensure the continued legacy of shamanism for future generations.

Conclusion: Embracing Shamanism's Timeless Wisdom

In conclusion, our exploration of Siberian shamanism and the diverse shamanic practices of Asia unveils an enduring tapestry of ancient wisdom. Shamanism's deep connection to nature and the spirit world resonates across cultures and time. Despite adversities, shamanism maintains its relevance as a profound spiritual practice, offering insight and healing to those who embark on its transformative path.

To deepen your understanding of shamanism in Asia and beyond, I invite you to join our website and YouTube channel. These resources provide a wealth of information on shamanic practices, Western and Eastern Esotericism, and the enigmatic Ahpay Amah. Delve into the arcane knowledge they offer and embark on a journey of self-discovery through the realms of shamanism.

Credits: The article's image was created in


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