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how you perform the Vostes Kō Nr̥tya (Or the dance of the Vostes) Meditation solo

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

Vostes Kō Nr̥tya is a Nepali, it means the Dance of the Vostes. With all of the meditations, I will use the names which Master Nava used, but will also include their English translations. Here is a self expressing, movement-based meditation designed to move the vibrations of one Vostes into the other. Masters will encourage the student to use flowing body movements along with the touch of the hands to move their vibration from the Lovoste to the Hayvoste then the Sayvoste, Krayvoste, Novoste back to the Lovoste. There are no rules about the flowing movement. Essentially, you are in a meditative state, using your hands to contact each Voste, and like butter spread over toast, you spread the vibrations from one to the next until your whole body is alive with vibrations.

This is effective in allowing a human being to then reach out to the cosmos using a divine’s love, healing, insight, connection, and courage. You’ll understand how to pull all of those back from the cosmos. This will make you harmonious with the cosmic choir. I encouraged you to expand beyond the material form and be as vast and eternal as the Source.

There is an alternative method where the master moves the student’s vibration or vice versa, or in conjunction. The two will bond, then reach their vibration outwards to the cosmos. However, in this article we shall focus on the solo execution of this meditation.


To begin the meditation, disrobe and sit in a tranquil place while in your natural state. Sit up tall with the soles of your feet pressed together and your knees dropped to the sides.

The above images created by, Master Hinala Pahadi


Place both hands upon your Lovoste with the fingertips of each hand touching at the center of the Lovoste. Breathe slowly. With each breath, feel the vibrations of your Lovoste and Hayvoste build. They both have their own frequency and vibrational quality. Allow for the two to become harmonious together. Focus on the sensation of the touch. Here you are combining the attributes of your Divine Love with your Innate Healing. You may come to understand that to heal through divine love is to be sensational.

As you combine the vibrations of these Vostes, imagine them growing.

Do not hold your breath, breathe deeply and rhythmically. Focus your attention on the physical sensation, not your thoughts. In all Ahpay Amah meditations, you are just the sky. There is no thought between you and existence. Your thoughts are clouds, but you are the sky they just float through you. You are not the thoughts. You are pulled out of time and thought and are just vibrations, pure existence.


Next, nove your fingers of the right hand, from the Lovoste, up the left arm, to the Hayvoste.


Here both hands come together with folded hands. Imagine that you have spread the vibrations of the Lovoste down your arm to the Hayvoste. This is akin to spreading butter over bread. You must feel the arm aliven with the vibrations of the Lovoste.


You will then spread the combined Loveste and Hayvoste vibrations from your folded hands back to the Lovoste. To do this, you will slide your left hand from your folded hands, down the right arm, back to your upper chest.


There you will once again place both hands upon your Lovoste with the fingertips of each hand touching at the center of the Lovoste.


Next move your fingers up from your Lovoste until they rest upon your Sayvoste, with the fingertips of each hand touching at the center of the Sayvoste. Feel the vibrations as they roll over your neck, chin, lips, nose and, finally, forehead. Breathe slow breaths. With each breath, feel the vibrations of your creative insight build and harmonize with the vibrations of your Lovoste and Hayvoste. While you breathe, with your fingertips (of both hands), combine the qualities of your Divine Love, Innate Healing and Creative Insights. Allow them to create harmony. Imagine, it is as if you have struck 3 strings on a guitar to make a perfect 3-note chord.


Next move your finger apart from the center of the Sayvoste outward to the temples of the forehead and up to the hairline, then down your cheeks, then chin. Move your fingers down from the chin to the Lovoste. With this tracing of fingers over skin, you must feel the skin alive with the vibrations of the Lovoste, Hayvoste and Sayvoste. You can heal with Divine Love and Creative Insights.


Repeat the steps from the Lovoste to the Hayvoste, back to the Lovoste. Remember, every part of your body you touch comes alive with vibration. It is simply to spread them over the body with your awareness.


Move your fingers straight down your torso from the Lovoste to your Krayvoste. Be sensational. Feel the sensation of the vibrations following your fingers down to the Krayvoste. Breathe slow breaths. With each breath, feel the vibrations of your creative insight build and harmonize with the vibrations of your Lovoste and Hayvoste. While you breathe, with your fingertips (of both hands), resting an inch below your navel, combine the qualities of your Divine Love, Innate Healing and Creative Insights to your Connection to the Cosmos. Allow them to create harmony. Imagine, it is as if you have struck four strings on a guitar to make a perfect three-note chord.


Move your fingers apart from your Krayvoste and spread the vibrations outward towards the hips. Breath deep breaths. Let your waist come alive like wearing a belt of Divine Love, Innate Healing, Creative Insights that aids your Connection to the Cosmos. With each hand, follow the outsides of your splayed legs to the Novoste. Feel the sensation of the vibrations following your fingers down to the Novoste.

Pull your hands together and rest them on top of your pressed together feet. Allow the vibrations to combine and build over the skin as you breathe deep breaths. With each breath, feel the vibrations of your Deep Courage, build and harmonize with the vibrations of your Divine Love, Innate Healing and Creative Insights and Connection to the Cosmos.

With each inhale and exhale, be aware of the feet. Feel them filled with a courageous, divine love whose connection to the cosmos can use its creative insights to heal.


Now pull both hands apart again and trace them back up the insides of your splayed legs to your Krayvoste. Let the vibrational sensation follow your fingers. Imagine that they spread the vibrations over your ankles, to the calves, inside thighs, groin muscle, and back just below the navel. Pull your hands together and rest them on the Krayvoste.

Visualize the combined vibrations strengthening your Krayvoste. Feel that it is harmonious by sensing the vibrations growing from your Krayvoste.


Now move your fingers up your torso until they rest upon your Lovoste, with the fingertips of each hand touching at the center of the Lovoste. Breathe slowly. With each breath, feel the vibrations of all your combined Voste build and expand over your whole body.

Repeat the previous steps until you are an expanded field of harmonious vibrations. You will sense your ascended, divine love as it heals with creative insights, while connected deeply to the cosmos with unbreakable courage. Feel the vibration of everything that surrounds you. Connect to them and create a harmony where the boundary of where you end and they begin falls away. It has absorbed you into the grand choir of the universe. This perfect, joyful harmony replaces all suffering.

The patern again

This meditation requires no tools or any other object, but your hands and body. The hands are used because the natural vibes of the Hayvoste will bring harmony to your other to your Vostes. However there is room for you to include a partner’s Hayvoste, as described above.

In the following pages you see an illustrated visualization of the meditation followed by a deeper dive. Please enjoy.

Now, let’s visualize this meditation. Both hands will rest upon your Lovoste. Use all of your senses to attune the Hayvoste to the Lovoste. Relax your body and breathe slowly, through your nose, and taking in the scents around you. Close your eyes, and become aware of the vibrations of your body. Feel the enlivened energy of your Divine Love and Healing, become in tune to the rhythms of each other. Let the sensation of enlivening the vibrations build.

Now that you have awakened the vibrations, they will bond in harmony like two tuning forks struck together. Take that Lovoste vibration and with your dominant hand pull the vibration up the other arm to your non-dominant hand.

Both hands (Hayvoste) will come together out in front of you. Again, you are combining the vibrations of the Lovoste and the Hayvoste.

Then with your non-dominant hand, pull the vibrations down the arm of your dominant hand and into your chest (Lovoste) to the Hayvoste. You follow this path by using the light touch of the fingers to the bare skin. Your fingers are spreading the vibrations from one Vostes to the other. Feel it, sense it and sit in the body not the mind.

You are now back at the Loveste. Stay focused on the sensation of this meditation. You should be relaxed, but still aware, no thoughts, just observation of the vibration’s sensations. If a thought occurs, acknowledge it and let it float away like a cloud in the sky. The vibrations you feel are a selfless healing and divine love. Let them combine to create harmony.

From the Lovoste, using both hands, move the vibrations upwards to the forehead by tracing the outlines of your neck, then chin, then cheeks. End on your Sayvoste. It is located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows.

With a light touch, pull the vibrations across the forehead, behind the ears then, from the base of the ears to the chin. Without stopping, gently pull the vibrations down the sides of the neck (roughly along the path of the jugular vein) down to the collarbone, then inward to the base of the Lovoste.

Repeat the movements of the Lovoste to the Hayvoste, back to the Lovoste. You should feel a triad of vibrations. They make a harmony akin to three strings on a guitar struck at the same time These vibrations are divine love, selfless healing and creative insite.

From the Lovoste pull the vibrations downward beneath your belly button to the waistline just where your pubic hair ends. This is the Krayvoste again it is located about two inches from below the belly button, upon your waistline. Allow the vibrations to harmonize. Do not rush the sensation. Make sure there is harmony occurring.

Pull the combined vibration from the Krayvoste upward to your Lovoste.

Repeat the movements of the Lovoste to the Hayvoste, back to the Lovoste. You will feel the vibrations of four Vostes. Like four strings strummed on a guitar, you feel the vibrations of divine love, selfless healing, creative insite, and your connection to the cosmos.

From the Lovoste pull the vibrations downward to the Krayvoste. Hold it here. When you land on a Vostes, never rush it. Take the time to sense the vibrations of the Vostes as well as all of the vibrations of all of the other Vostes you have pulled into it.

From the Krayvoste, move the vibrations with both hands to the sides of your hips. Then pull the vibrations down the outside thigh and shins to the feet (Novoste). Allow the vibrations to harmonize. Do not rush the sensation. Make sure there is harmony occurring.

Now pull the vibrations from the feet up the calves and inner thigh past the crotch and back to the Kravoste.

From the Krayvoste, pull the vibrations up to the Lovoste. Do this until each Vostes’s vibrations have been spread over the body. The entire body should feel alive with vibrations. Follow this pattern of pulling the vibrations and sensing the energy’s harmonious movements. Be an enlivened field of vibration that can not only harmonize with itself, but with all the vibration that surrounds it.

Here is the pattern to focus on:

  • Lovoste to

  • Hayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Sayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Hayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Krayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Hayvoste to

  • Krayvoste to

  • Novoste to

  • Krayvoste to

  • Lovoste

  • Repeat

Or think of it as this pattern:

  • Divine Love is Healing

  • Healing is Divine Love

  • Healing and Divine Love is Creative Insights

  • Creative Insights are Divine Love and Healing

  • Divine Love and Healing with Creative Insights are Your Connection to the Cosmos

  • Your connection to the Cosmos is Divine Love, Healing and Creative insight

  • Divine Love, healing, Creative Insights and Your Connection to the Cosmos are your Courage

  • Your Courage is your Connection to the Cosmos, Divine Love, Healing and Creative Insight

It is recommended to begin with this pattern to get used to the flow of the meditation, but don’t stop or think about it if you make a mistake, just let it flow naturally. Later as you get used to the pattern you may design one that vibes best for you.

Credits: All Vostes Kō Nr̥tya meditation illustrations created by Eric Pflug


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