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In the Veil of Understanding: The Enigma of Vostes

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

How do you learn Ahpay Amah? Let's begin by explaining your Vostes (pronounced voh-stays). Your Vostes are the five resonant frequencies that construct your body’s sphere of influence. All who come within its perimeter can sense this spherical resonance that surrounds you. These are the vibes you feel when you sit next to a person. As you will come to understand, the less resonant your Vostes are, the less comfortable you feel to others. You can expand or contract each of the five Vostes based on your power to select their strength. A suppressed resonant Vostes feels dissonant to another person while an expanded vibrant Vostes feels harmonious. Expanding your Vostes, meaning you are more vibrant, achieves another special effect. It widens your sphere of influence. As you learn to ignite your divine flame (a technique covered in my tome), you expand that sphere to unite with all of creation.

At the center of this sphere lies a Voste called the Krayvoste. You will notice how its vibrations reach further outward whether it is large or small. The old masters considered the Krayvoste to be one’s cosmic connection. While it may seem based on this illustration that only humans carry a sphere of influence, that is incorrect.

The cosmos comprises infinite connected spheres like an ever-expanding mandala. All things visible or otherwise in the cosmos hold a sphere of influence.

Take a tree, for example. You will feel its influence if you are open to sensing it. A forest, and all the life inside it feels calm and tranquil because that life has unimpeded, expanded spheres of influence. When your sphere comes into contact with theirs, you share information. This information shared with each other feels like palpable vibes. This is your Krayvoste’s contribution to how you interact with the cosmic information around you. Your other four Vostes, the Sayvoste, Lovoste, Hayvoste, and Novoste, also connect to your sphere of influence through the vertical vibrations of the Krayvoste. I will address their qualities later.

I should note that all five Vostes influence how you feel internally and externally. They change how you feel about yourself and how others feel about you. The above illustration features healthy and expanded Vostes. Most people’s Vostes are contracted considerably. This contraction, if illustrated visually, would appear as if not a single Voste interconnects or blends into another.

The core meditations of Ahpay Amah correct the contraction symptoms that most individuals suffer needlessly. Mostly a result of awareness, the meditations allow the individual to sense and grow their Vostes, thus their sphere of influence. Awareness of your resonance begins the process of understanding your connectedness to the vibrational choir that is all of creation and all the information of the Source.

I know from personal experience that confusion may occur when first understanding the Vostes. I, at first, accused them of being the same as chakras. Aside from there being five instead of seven, there were many problems with that comparison. The most striking being the origins of both. Master Goddess Nava pointed out that the chakra may have its origin in the Vostes. The reason she could assume this was because the use and awareness of the Vostes far outdate the beliefs in chakras.

Before moving on to further details that distinguish the Vostes from the chakras, I should clarify a fact. While the feet and hands carry frequencies known as the Novoste for the feet and the Hayvoste for the hands, technically, when the feet or hands are spread, a master could be assumed to have seven spheres along the body. However, the frequency and its resonant properties are what the old masters referred to when they used the word Voste. From their perspective, there are only five. The illustration that opened this section shows the feet and hands together, thus I illustrate only five spheres.

A master of Ahpay Amah has direct knowing that the Vostes are three-dimensional spherical zones of vibrational frequency, which the master can expand so that they all will hybridize into one enormous expanded sphere. This means, rather than five frequency spheres, the master can perform meditations that unite them into one large-scale frequency that shares the information and qualities of them all.

There is no attempt made by the master to ascend from an assumed bottom root to a said crown. No Vostes are considered in any way inferior or superior to the one above or below. A master will never prepare to travel or journey through them. All are meant to expand and coexist to make up the properties of the whole.

These frequencies, when combined to make a larger sphere of influence, increase the master’s influence within this illusory reality. The cosmos is like a cacophony of harmonious vibrations. Most of the cosmos resonates at its fullest potential, but life forms such as humanity have an incredible ability to expand their resonance influence or decrease it. An expanded resonant master is like the lead vocal in a giant philharmonic. Those who are self-conscious and wish to decrease their influence when around others do not allow their Vostes to expand. They are a whisper inside the philharmonic.

Every Vostes has a resonant trait. For instance, the resonant trait of the human chest is, as expected, divine love. You see this display instinctually. People who experience love feel it in their chest near the heart. When this expands, you feel more loving to the surrounding people. If you arrest this expansion, you feel less loving, more cold. One might ask, can I turn this Vostes into vengeance and then expand it? Can I have a darker influence on the cosmos?

The answer is no. There is no way for one to turn the harmony of the cosmos into a death march song of destruction. If you try, your frequency contracts, and you have less influence on reality, not more. The cosmos, in this way, shows you how to exist within it, to manifest and be a leading part of its ultimate song. Clearly, this feels the least painful and is the most sustainable state.

The Vostes are not chakras; they are your resonant contribution to the cosmos. You can resist and suffer the effort to resist their natural resonance, or you can relax and expand into a powerful position of comfort. And that is what the meditations designed by the old masters accomplished so thoroughly. I say meditation as a word known to modern humanity. In the days of the old masters, they referred to it as expansion. They had direct knowing that it was an expansion of their influence inside the cosmos. Every master since has understood that this expansion was a state of calm watchfulness.


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