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Exploring the Divide between East and West Witchcraft

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

The West and the East diverge in their perception of magic and mysticism, revealing a striking contrast. In the Western world, witches and wizards are shunned, hunted down, and sometimes subjected to the gruesome fate of being burned alive. Superstition lingers, suggesting that those with mystical abilities can even defy death itself.

The infamous Salem Witch Trials serve as a testament to this fear-driven persecution. These trials, occurring from February 1692 to May 1693 in colonial Massachusetts, targeted mostly women accused of practicing witchcraft. However, the roots of witch hunts and prosecutions can be traced back further to the medieval era, a time when civil laws were heavily influenced by religious institutions.

Conversely, the Eastern perspective embraces individuals associated with mysticism, holding them in a peculiar form of reverence. Shamans and psychics are adorned with positive epithets in their respective contexts, such as "orang pintar" or "orang sakti" in Indonesia and Malaysia. The terms refer to shamans, but "pintar" signifies intelligence and "sakti" denotes power. Thus, in the East, shamans are regarded as individuals possessing profound spiritual knowledge and great power.

In ancient times, villagers sought the aid of "dukuns" to achieve their desires or navigate through various activities, ranging from childbirth and naming ceremonies to attracting love interests, seeking protection, conducting business, and even inflicting harm upon others.

The peculiar practices of these shamans gained legitimacy through their counsel, protection, and prophecies for kings, queens, and members of the royal family. These leaders relied on the guidance of shamans to shield themselves from unseen attacks (yes, ancient Eastern rulers would engage in spiritual warfare against their enemies, which often proved more effective and seamless than physical warfare) and avert unfavorable futures.

Even in today's modern world, where science seemingly reigns supreme, magical and mystical practices persist. Weddings, childbirth, funerals—although most of these rituals now serve as symbolic gestures, they were once performed with genuine purposes in mind.

For instance, there is the Javanese wedding tradition known as "tanam rikmo," where the couple's strands of hair are buried in the backyard. This act symbolizes the burial of bad luck, ensuring that the household is filled with good fortune and happiness.

In Hoi An, Vietnam, the Full Moon Festival or "Tết Trung Thu" takes place monthly on the eve of each full moon. Lanterns illuminate the city as families celebrate the conclusion of the harvest season, expressing gratitude to the mountain deities and the moon, believed to have bestowed upon them bountiful yields.

Beyond these ceremonial gestures, the practice of malevolent shamanism still persists, believed by some to be disturbingly effective. Individuals consult with shamans when strange occurrences disrupt their lives, discovering that curses or spells have been directed their way.

Many politicians and businessmen resort to "santet" (witchcraft aimed at harming others from a distance), "guna-guna" (hexes), and "jampi-jampi" (spells) to attack their rivals. These phenomena remain unverifiable, operating outside the boundaries of legal authority, yet their stories are whispered and passed down through generations. Some tales are more than mere gossip. So, if you wish to uncover whether one politician is engaging in black magic against another, abandon your search engine and rely on the whispers of your network of gossips. (Though they often embellish the tales, a true gossipmonger always seeks the facts first!)

The world remains a realm where belief in the unseen holds sway, and mysticism persists, regardless of technological progress.

Believer or skeptic, it behooves us to navigate the coexistence of spiritual practices and scientific advancements. Changing an entire society and its ingrained culture is no small feat, and so we must adapt to living alongside these beliefs. We cannot impose an immediate halt to shamanism and similar practices; they are deeply rooted in the fabric of our society.

Living in the 21st century, we find ourselves amidst a perplexing juxtaposition of spiritual convictions and advanced scientific knowledge. Often, these two realms clash, leaving us in a state of bewildered uncertainty. Science may erroneously appear more rational at times, yet the eerie sensations of the supernatural can send shivers down our spines.

In such a context, respect becomes paramount. Just as myths and superstitions are part of our heritage and history, so too is shamanism. It would be abhorrent to eradicate these traditions from our lives. The vast majority of these practices bring no harm and emit positive energy.

Forgone generations embraced and practiced these beliefs with wholehearted conviction, and our duty now is to show respect and seek wisdom, while refraining from endorsing harm towards those who continue to uphold these traditions. We can honor the traditions, but it may be wise to withhold support for practices that are believed to yield negative consequences, such as "santet" (curses) and "jampi-jampi" (spells).

Lastly, as we journey through the intricacies of Eastern and Western esotericism, shamanism, and the enigmatic realm of Ahpay Amah, I invite you to return to this website every Monday. Here, you will find thought-provoking articles delving deeper into these captivating subjects, offering insights and wisdom that bridge the gap between ancient traditions and modern understanding.

But that's not all! Don't forget to explore the free video course available on this platform, unveiling the rich tapestry of the history of magic. From the mystical rituals of antiquity to the rise and fall of legendary sorcerers, this course will transport you through time, shedding light on the secrets and wonders of magical arts.

So, mark your calendars and embark on this voyage of discovery with us. Together, we will explore the depths of human spirituality, delve into the mysteries of the unseen, and unravel the threads that connect our past with our present. Remember, knowledge and understanding are the keys to unlocking the realms of magic and mysticism.

Until our paths converge again, let us continue to embrace both the physical and spiritual aspects of our existence. Seek solace in prayer, find tranquility through meditation, and illuminate the world with acts of kindness. By nurturing our inner selves and radiating goodness, we create a ripple effect that touches the lives of those around us.

As we tread the path of life, let us always remember the profound truth: we reap what we sow. So, let us sow seeds of compassion, wisdom, and love. Together, we can shape a world where the mystical and the practical coexist in harmony, where the wonders of magic and the power of science intertwine, and where the human spirit continues to explore the boundless horizons of existence.

Visit us again next Monday, and let the journey continue.

Credits: The article's image was created in


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