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The Goal of Ahapay Amah

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

The goal of Ahpay Amah is to reconnect to the natural world. It is to ascend and to be magic. You do this via the mastery of three achievements:

  1. Become formless

  2. Ascend suffering

  3. Achieve an orgasmic state

There are techniques designed to explore this ascension. They are sensory based meditations revolving around frequencies of vibrations called Vostes. Pronounced voh-stay, Voste is an ancient word stemming from the language of the old masters. Each stage will solidify your understanding of Ahpay Amah. Upon ascension, you are a master and a healer.

The ascended master knows we are equal beings connected by a conscious source. The universe is made of one conscious mind. All things are alive, and each conscious being determines the course of his or her own existence.

Everything that has ever been created, or ever will be created, exists right here and right now. If you are upset by the creation displayed before your senses, or joyful for it, it is your fault. That is really all you need to know to understand Ahpay Amah. Everything has its roots in that direct knowing. It is possible to overcome any barrier by going back to it and thinking it through for yourself.

The essence of the universe is consciousness, which cannot be totally defined. For the old masters of Ahpay Amah, it wasn’t necessary to define it. All they needed to know was there is a source from which everything is derived.

The basic function of each being is ascending to an awakened being, or remaining in a self-conscious descension. Awakened beings are formless. Formless beings are like the bright sunlight permeating the room. Self-conscious beings are material forms. They are dense like solid material. Self-conscious beings are material forms; a dark, dense, solid mass of low frequency. They can not permeate like the sunlight. Thus, each of us, alone or in combination, may appear as bright sunlight, or dark as solid material. Some are also the spectrums in between. This depends on their ratio of ascension to self-consciousness. Each being controls their own vibrations.

Since ascension is permeative, we can be in the “same space” with one or more other ascended beings. In fact, it is possible for all the entities in the universe to be one space. Only four percent of the universe is solid material. That solidarity is illusionary. It is only perceived. The illusion of solidness as a visual form is your consciousness creating the illusion. Formed material is nothing more than vibrations.

We experience ascension as an awareness of the formless. The inherent formlessness of what we perceive as “form”, is actually a material illusion. It is formlessness. Formlessness is comprehension, understanding, or whatever we wish to call it. When we transition into formlessness, we have a feeling of total awareness of being one with all life. At that level, we have no resistance to any vibrations. It is timeless bliss, with an unlimited choice of consciousness, perception, and feeling.

Formlessness is a level of experience that many people, especially if they have had any experiences with either spontaneous awakening or psychedelics, have already experienced. However, they continue to allow their sufferings to pull them off of formlessness. These sufferings make it impossible to remain in an ascended state. Because of its infinite nature, formlessness can be difficult to describe within the context of our material plane. That which chooses limits is that which makes definitions.

All experiences are available to what the old masters called the Source. Modern language calls this Source, God. The old masters had direct knowing that the Source was not a separate creator being outside of space and time. The Source is everyone and everything. It is the source of all that is created. We draw closer to the Source at the highest level of frequencies. Awakening happens as you raise your frequencies. It is true once awakened there are more ascensions ending with the Source.

The Source is that which created everything. Nothing the Source creates would persist if it was more limited than itself; therefore, you are as limitless as the Source. But why are you here? Why is anything here? If the Source duplicates itself, it can sit in a persistent cosmos. Each entity, thus, is a duplicate of the creator. It doesn’t matter what words we use for this creator. Is there even a suitable one? Later in this tome, I speculate that the old masters of Ahpay Amah verbalized a name for the Source, but they never labeled or personified it.

Because the old masters had direct knowing that to accurately explain the Source they could not personify it, they never asked who is the Source. To label an unknown or unexplainable phenomenon will only lead to speculative arguments. The surest way to disconnect from the creator is to argue over who it is. They never considered that there was a who, just a what. The more important direct knowing was that we exist. This universe exists. It is possible to ascend beyond self-conscious ideas that only exist within the limited scope of what is considered to be real to human beings.

When a being ascends and is awakened, a being is vibrational and fully harmonious. Most people are self-conscious, suffering beings sitting in dissonance. They sit trapped in their own habitual patterns, unable to be fully present in the same space with others. One feels self consciousness as disharmony and tension. It is fear, pain, ignorance, hatred, evil, and many suffering feelings. At an extreme, the self-conscious has the feeling of being completely insane. It is resisting everyone and everything. It cannot choose the content of consciousness. These are the feelings appropriate to material forms. Lower vibration frequencies are so because of the formed material blocking them. You can raise frequencies by ascending, by letting go of all resistance to what you think, see, or feel.

Most beings alternate from ascension to self consciousness. At the middle point (equal parts self conscious and ascended), a being will still be predictable. This is the child’s point of expression. They are born ascended, and as they first express a personality, some of their self consciousness has already brought form to them. If properly taught from birth, we would not pull them off of their ascended state. We would encourage and support their growth and deepening ascension. They would reach higher levels of awareness, up to true ascension, with no effort. It takes more effort to descend a child than it does to allow the child to remain ascended. This is the tragedy of our society. We spend all of our efforts pulling each other into suffering. That is why in our ancient past we did not have hierarchical societies.

Hierarchical societies create a focus on just the grouping of people in a cordoned area. Instead, in the days of the old masters, the people had an awareness of their ecosystem with themselves being a part of the whole. An ecosystem is a community of organic and inorganic material. The organic material in an ecosystem interacts with each other, and with the inorganic material around them.

For example, an ecosystem is a forest. Every forest has a mix of organic material, like plants, people and animals, and inorganic material, like air, sunlight, rocks, and water. The mix of organic and inorganic in each forest is unique. It differs from the mix of organic and inorganic in any other ecosystem. Nothing is changed or controlled in an ecosystem. It is in harmony. Hierarchical societies are different. They ignore the harmony between organic and inorganic, and seek to control the behaviors of all of them.

Ascended beings are always authentic and unpredictable. They will never suffer our self-conscious society’s limiting traps. Why? Because self-conscious beings can’t control ascended beings via their manipulations.

It is important to understand that energy is not a quantity of anything more than intention. An ecosystem designed around this would transcend violent insecurities. The insecure suffer the greed of our artificial hierarchical societies. Masters of Ahpay Amah do not suffer.


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