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The known Masters of Ahpay Amah

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

There were the old masters whom Nshend forced into tribes, causing them to lose their ascension and longevity. There were also old masters who chose to hide from the malevolence of Nshend's growing influence. Those who remained hidden numbered just five, yet they walked the Earth, leading unimaginably long lives. All five of them took on students, although only a few lived long enough to pass on the teachings of Ahpay Amah, while most perished without spreading their knowledge. You see, these students, these past masters, became targets for Nshendites, and many met violent ends." — Master Goddess Nava

While Master Nava did not possess knowledge of every master since the time of the old masters, she did describe a handful of past masters throughout my six years of training with her. It's worth noting that I have, during rituals and techniques that allow a master to search the past, come across individuals whom I believe to be masters as well. However, I will not include these additional masters here, as this tome is intended to outline solely the teachings of Master Nava. I may choose to outline my experiences with these past masters in future writings. The following list comprises the masters known to Master Goddess Nava.

(Note: Given that this line of masters, as of the time of writing this tome, concludes with me, I have included my biography for reference.)

This is the story of Master Himāla Pahāḍī

I was given the name Himāla Pahāḍī by my master because of my birthplace in Colorado. I had always assumed it meant "Mountain Watcher" until a recent discussion with a native Nepali woman. She explained that the name I had assumed to mean "Mountain Watcher" wasn't precisely that. The word 'Pahadi' essentially means "Dwellers Of Mountains." Himala, on the other hand, is a Tagalog word native to the Philippines that means “miracle.” However, in the context of my name, I understood that Master Nava was referring to the Himalayas, which, if written correctly, would be spelled as Himālaya. Regardless, I spelled it as Himala based on how it sounded when she pronounced it.

For some reason, I had believed the translation was "the mountain watcher," though the real translation might be closer to "a Mountain Man of the Himalayas." If we consider it in a metaphorical sense, that description fits me. Either way, a master’s name is chosen based on what brings joy to the master, and that certainly holds true in my case.

It's also fascinating that there could be a translation like "Mountain Miracle" or "Miracle from (or of) the Mountain." This piques my interest because one of the places I've traveled to and felt a profound connection with is the Philippines.

Hailing from Nepal, my master shared a deep love for mountains. After six years of learning under her guidance, I successfully ascended the final ritual of Ahpay Amah and manifested numerous creations. In the wake of my ascension, she started addressing me as Master Himāla Pahāḍī. I felt gratitude but also a touch of apprehension. I queried her about my readiness to be a master. She responded with a smile, stating, "Only fools are certain they are ready."

Everyone tends to believe they had a normal childhood, but what defines "normal" can vary greatly. Perhaps it's whatever we come to accept as common. However, children often lack the perspective to compare their reality with others, and as I reflect, I realize that some events from my childhood were indeed quite unusual.

At the age of three or four (I can't recall exactly which age, as my mother later recounted this to me), I approached my mother and asked if she was going to hit me like my other mom. When she inquired further about my question, I apparently began to describe a past life. In this recollection, I described a life in which my mother had abused me. I vividly remembered a mother figure from that past life who had thrown me against a wall when I was just a baby, leading to my death. Although I was too young to recall telling my mother this story, she recounted it to me many times throughout my childhood.

My mother was what one might call a free spirit. I think that's a fitting description of her. Due to being adopted by my grandparents, she never seemed to have a true sense of home. When I was twelve, my father divorced her, and my siblings and I went to live with him because he was stable and able to care for us. Afterward, I saw my mother only a handful of times. She had delved deeply into spiritualism, which made our conversations rather unconventional. Occasionally, she would share stories about her own childhood. She mentioned how, as a small child, she would sneak out of her adopted parents' home at night. Behind their house, there was a small open field where she would stand, overwhelmed by a strong feeling that she didn't belong on Earth. Reflecting on other comments she made, I believe she genuinely thought of herself as an alien abductee.

My father, an ex-air force officer, seemed like a typical father in most ways. He worked, came home to us, and took us fishing, among other activities. He did a commendable job of raising us. He eventually remarried, and we had a stepmom who also seemed quite normal. However, only a few years ago, he confided in me about something rather unusual. Apparently, he used to see aliens in his room when he was a child. It was a revelation that took me by surprise, though it might explain some of my own vivid childhood dreams involving encounters with gray aliens at the foot of my bed. Were they nightmares? The more I learn about the nature of reality, the less inclined I am to dismiss anything outright.

When I was a young child, I had a unique connection with a guide, not an imaginary friend, but a spirit. My mother encouraged me to name him since he was my spirit guide. As a devoted Star Wars fan, I decided to name him Luke. I always felt that he watched over me, serving as a protector and an inner voice of intuition. It wasn't until my ritual of ascension that I truly understood who and what Luke was, and to this day, we maintain frequent communication.

During my childhood, I was notably smaller in stature compared to other children my age. Most of my friends were taller and seemed to be growing more rapidly. When I turned thirteen, my father enrolled me in a growth hormone (GH) program designed to stimulate the production of growth hormones in my body. I received daily injections as part of this program, and while the physical results were minimal, my mental landscape underwent an immediate transformation. I developed synesthesia, a neurological condition where stimulation in one sensory or cognitive pathway (like hearing) triggers automatic and involuntary experiences in another sensory or cognitive pathway (such as vision).

I began to see colors in music, words, and numbers. Over time, I even started to perceive vibrations around people, which allowed me to sense their strength or weakness. I tried sharing these experiences with my friends, but sadly, it often led to teasing. I was fully aware that anyone perceived as different tended to become an outcast, so I decided to keep these abilities to myself and continued to live my life as if they weren't a part of me.

At the age of fifteen, I had a profound spiritual experience, a struggle for my soul, or whatever term you find most fitting. I remember lying in bed, knowing without looking that a dark presence sat at the foot of my bed. I wondered if it was Satan, even though my parents hadn't raised me in a Christian belief system, so I had no concept of hell. What I understood was clear: I had to either defeat this entity or be dragged away by it. In my desperation, I called out to a higher power, although I hadn't been brought up in any religious tradition. Ultimately, it was Luke who came to my rescue. He sat with me, and the dark being departed through a black portal. It wasn't a nightmare; I knew the difference. Yet, at the age of fifteen, I wouldn't have dared to tell anyone about it. Mostly, I convinced myself that it was just a bad dream. I saw Luke one more time during my training with Master Nava. It turns out, he is me. He resides in the pure thought planes, and I am his dream. In this realm, we are all images of our own dreams.

Following the departure of that dark entity, I noticed a significant change in my personality. I became hyper-attuned to empathy. While I was never malicious before, this experience deepened my empathy for both people and animals. My capacity to love overwhelmed my being, but at that age, it wasn't always appreciated. In fact, it made making friends more challenging because I couldn't align with the mindset of my peers, who sometimes leaned towards bullying. Around the age of seventeen, I had another unusual experience. I woke up on my roof, seeing a bright light above me. The roof wasn't solid, but the light was. In the blink of an eye, I found myself back in bed. Was it a nightmare? I cannot say for certain.

As I entered my twenties, I became increasingly aware that my energy differed from that of others. It was hard to explain, but I just knew it was different, not in a negative sense, but in terms of wavelengths. Then, a man I knew approached me about joining the Freemasons. He insisted that I join, as he was a 32nd high master and assured me that it would lead to a privileged life. I initially dismissed it as an old men's club for fathers wanting to feel important. I declined his offers multiple times, but he always persisted. He spoke of powers and magic, which made me want to laugh at him. Like me, he had experienced paranormal events in his childhood, and he was open about them. However, I remained guarded about my own past.

In 2008, I moved to Toronto in my thirties to attend school and study nutrition. That summer, while walking down a street in the Kensington Market neighborhood, a radiant woman who was meditating in a yard on a rug looked up at me and said, "Your vibrations are weak."

That event marked the beginning of a six-year journey during which I received instruction from my master, Master Nava. She imparted the wisdom of ascending to a state of formlessness. Throughout this period, I wisely maintained detailed journals chronicling the expedition. This is why I am able to author this book.

This is the story of Master Goddess Nava

Who was Master Goddess Nava? As you know, she guided my path towards ascension during six years of training. First, I should explain how I came to learn under this very rare master and the wisdom she shared.

My master was one of the hidden masters who understood shamanic magic based around what is known as Ahpay Amah. She was born in Lumbini, Southern Nepal, by the birth name Atrika. Her father was an abusive military man, perpetually lamenting the death of her mother. This lamenting made him cold and loveless. He would force her to train like a military recruit, in place of a normal childhood. As I understand it, her father corporally punished her for all insurrections, including the crime of telling him she loved him. Her father died while she was in her early teens. Upon advice from a mysterious vision of a higher dimensional woman, she traveled north to a remote village in the Himalayas. It was there that she found her master.

Master Asta, a nude hermit upon a cold mountain crest, with the gift of longevity, transformed her into a magical being. His gift for teaching came from a deep place of selflessness. He allowed his death at the hands of a Chinese assassin, one beloved by Atrika, to show how his ascension had pulled him out of time. His sacrifice was to be her ascending. She became Master Goddess Nava. She carried the Direct Knowing of Ahpay Amah with her.

Although the west remains mostly adversarial to the natural world, many years passed, and she moved west to Toronto, Canada, where our paths fortuitously crossed. I understood that to her, direct knowing could thrive in the western world. Master Goddess Nava was not just a spiritual mentor. She was vibrational and alive in a way I’ve never felt. Indeed, she had ascended.

The ascended have access to the conscious universe. An expert in manifestations, she became powerful. She was a master of ethereal comprehension. She was also timeless. Timeless, in that she seemed to have learned how to slow her aging almost to a halt. But her greatest gift was her understanding of how to end her suffering. She understood all minds are themselves, an elegant universe. By examining her own mind at the deepest level, she changed it, and by changing it, she changed the reality that shaped her world.

2015: The Earthquake

The following are remembrances of Master Nava, as recorded in the journals of Master Himāla Pahāḍī.

In April 2015, a devastating earthquake struck Nepal. It triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest, resulting in the deadliest day in the mountain's history. Besides claiming numerous lives, this earthquake left a significant impact, with reports of 250 people missing across Nepal. It rendered hundreds of thousands of people homeless and flattened entire villages in many districts of the country. Centuries-old buildings crumbled under the force of the quake.

News of this disaster would have left me unsettled, regardless of the circumstances. However, someone dear to me was right in the midst of this devastation. She was my Master, the one who had taught me about boundless fulfillment and magic. Due to her extraordinary foresight, she sensed the impending disaster. That's why she abruptly announced her departure.

"I must return home," she told me.

"Why, Master?" I inquired.

"A shift is happening," she replied. "I must bid farewell to a friend. He is very old and cannot leave his bed."

"I didn't know you had friends," I teased. "When will you return?"

Her answer was cryptic, even for her: "Master Himāla Pahāḍī, I planted a seed. You are the water. As that seed takes root, you will show how the world can reconnect with the natural world."

I didn't fully grasp her response, but I assumed I would see her again, and she would explain it to me. She departed for home the following day, leaving me with only her friend's mailing address for correspondence. I learned of the earthquake four days after her departure, and panic set in. After my first letter went unanswered, I penned three more. Two months later, her friend's cousin responded.

The letter provided all the answers. Upon her arrival, my master found her friend still at ease. Just days later, disaster struck. Their village was flattened by the earthquake. To my utter dismay, the letter concluded with the news of my master's passing.

Enclosed within the envelope was a piece of papyrus, bearing my master's handwriting. It read, "I, Master Nava, planted the seeds. You are Master Himāla Pahāḍī, a vāhaka of the ancient Ahpay Amah. You are now the water. Namaste, Master Himāla Pahāḍī. You are the new Watcher."

Actual letter shown above

I had a dream that night. I heard her voice saying that I had a very important undertaking ahead of me. One of hope for this world, a way to change it for the better. There are those who will come to know the new age of Ahpay Amah. Pass on to the people the new imagining. Trust only those who can assure you of their trust. Be safe but bold, patient but quick to act. See that everyone, if they choose, can take advantage of reality's truth. It is a change of mind. Not a single mind you can change, but yours. The only permanent change is a change of mind. But one mind changed sees another change. It's now time for minds to change. But when I awoke, instead of being inspired, I felt only depressed and alone.

That depression followed for me. With her went my fulfillment. She left me behind, and in her place, depression and confusion greeted me. I felt as if I had not had enough time to learn all I needed to know. And I just missed her; I missed her very badly, my master. Her energy, her reassuring vibrations, and her unconditional love. My grief turned to anger. Why did she go? I forsook her advice to practice her techniques, and I suffered from that. Even though she honored me with the title of Master, I stopped connecting to what she taught me and slowly slid back into an unexceptional life full of all its suffering and boredom.

But time passed, and a dream repeatedly came to me. It was more of a revelation. A revelation is a revealing. It is a striking disclosure of something not before realized. While I was used to having a disclosure come via a dream, this one felt more profound. I was using the power I have. The power to gather wisdom from all the consciousness of all of creation.

In that dream, I walked down a dour, dark street. Scared and alone, I was lost. A shadow moved on the opposite side of the street after I came upon a single streetlight. I felt it had found me. The being who owned that shadow was a guardian. I knew I would be safe thereafter. Whispers carried in the night. Those whispers owned such strength. It was my master. She was reaching out, reminding me of her parting words, “I planted a seed.”

That is why I am writing this, so you may know what I know. She planted the seed. Master Nava. She was the last in the line of masters of Ahpay Amah, unless I make a choice to carry it on. I am watering her seed.

Summer 2009

It was she who found me. I can recall it well. On a warm afternoon, I walked down a pseudo-bohemian street when I saw a silent woman meditating on a rug in a yard. Simply clad in delicate robes, she sat as those robes hung off her slender body. She was beautiful in a mysterious way. Her thick, wavy, long black hair gracefully fell down to her shoulders and encircled her diamond-shaped face. Her tan skin brought out her smooth, clear complexion and high cheekbones. But what caught my eye was the uncanny glow that emanated from her. As mystifying as she looked, I would have passed right by without knowing a thing about her. That was not fated as before I could pass. She looked up at me and said an unusual thing.

"Your vibrations are weak," she said.

"Excuse me?" I asked. Did she think I was someone else?

"Vibrations. You can feel them. Feel my hand," she said as she reached out to offer her hand. I placed mine in hers. It was amazing. Her touch felt alive, like nothing I had ever felt. She vibrated like an electrical wave. "Would you like to know how I do this?" she asked.

I paused, taken aback. There shined a vivacious as well as wise expression in her eyes, but most impressionable was the deep love and peace they transmitted to me when she spoke.

"What will you show me?" I asked.

"How to be free. You are trapped. Trapped in boredom, greatly unfulfilled, and you suffer unnecessarily for it," she said, seeming to pity me. "Would you like to know why you are trapped?"

Instead of rolling my eyes and walking away, I heard a voice in my head that implored me to give her my time. I motioned for her to continue.

"Your mind is untrained. The untrained mind has no deep connections; it gambles with your uncertain reason, feelings, and biases to produce competing thoughts, ideas, and opinions. You then synthesize those competing options to relate to your relatively certain realities. Can you now see the trap?" she asked.

For more on this day, Please refer back to my tome.

Master Asta

“Master Asta was master to Master Nava. Born a poor child by the name of Parth in Southern India, his parents orphaned him when he was only six. He dwelled outside of a shantytown along the banks of a river before leaving that town for Nepal. There he found his own master, Master Parvata Jhankri.” — Master Goddess Nava

For more about Master Asta, please reference my tome.

Master Parvata Jhankri

I don't know much about his journey to ascension. He was born in the southernmost part of what is now India. He was ninety years old when Parth met him. In his youth, he made his way to the mountains. Just another child seeking a way to be magic. He found that way through a master of his own.

Master Goddess Tujata

Like so many traditions and shaman practices older than written history, Ahpay Amah relied upon masters to teach and pass on the ways. Oral history not only preserved the techniques of the practice but also its history. So we have but one source of understanding the path of Ahpay Amah through time. That source was my master and now myself. I now will relay as I understood how Master Goddess Tujata learned Ahpay Amah.

The same as the old masters, Master Goddess Tujata was transformed by Ahpay Amah during the first century. Ahpay Amah was said to have come from the eastern shores of Africa 250,000 years ago. The tradition of Ahpay Amah centers on a higher-dimensional being called the Watcher or, in an ancient language, Fkri. She traveled from her realm to ours to teach the shamans her techniques. These are the basis and beginnings for all that Ahpay Amah is. These shamans carried relics. Relics in the form of bones, with symbols carved from Fkri’s hand. Around 6000 years ago, shamans carrying the tradition and relics settled into the region of what is now Nepal. Suppression of the techniques and many older regional religions made it necessary to hide the relics.

More of her story lives inside my tome.

Master Goddess Antimakō

Master Goddess Nava assumed she was an original old master. Carrying the Lovoste, she was part of a migration out of Africa over fifty thousand years ago. The move into the higher elevations spared her from at least two flood events. She settled into what became modern-day Nepal six thousand years ago, teaching one student who met his end around 1,500 B.C., at which point she moved into the Indus Valley until the first century A.D. She again taught a student whose end came before hers. Her name was Master Goddess Tujata. She then took up a third master, whose name is unknown. He taught Master Parvata Jhankri. She was part of the line of masters, ending with Master Himala Pahadi.

Disclaimer: All images are for illustration purposes only. They were hand drawn by Master Himala Pahadi then edited digitally, through photoshop or created through Leonardo Ai and edited through photoshop.


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