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The Mystical Power of the Sayvoste: Unlocking the Secrets of the Third Eye

Updated: Jan 11

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

In the realm of spiritual traditions, the concept of the Third Eye has long captivated and intrigued seekers of wisdom and enlightenment. Known as the Voste in the ancient teachings of Ahpay Amah, this mystical center holds the key to unlocking our true potential and connecting with the cosmic energy that surrounds us. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the mysteries of the Voste, exploring its origins, symbolism, and the profound influence it has on our perception of reality.

Ahpay Amah, an ancient spiritual practice passed down through generations, holds the key to understanding the power of the Voste. The old masters of Ahpay Amah recognized the Voste as one of the five resonant frequencies that construct our body's sphere of influence. Just as a person's presence can be felt by others, the Voste emits a unique vibrational frequency that affects how we interact with the world around us.

Our Vostes, the five resonant frequencies within us, play a crucial role in shaping our interactions and connections with others. When our Vostes are contracted and suppressed, we may feel disconnected and uncomfortable in social situations. However, by expanding and energizing our Vostes, we become vibrant and harmonious, widening our sphere of influence and forging deeper connections with the cosmos.

At the core of our sphere of influence lies the Krayvoste, the cosmic connection that reaches outward and connects us with the infinite mandala of the cosmos. This interconnectedness extends beyond human beings to all living beings and even inanimate objects. A tree, for example, emits its own sphere of influence, and when our sphere comes into contact with it, we share information, experiencing palpable vibes that enrich our understanding of the world.

Each of the five Vostes, including the Sayvoste, Lovoste, Hayvoste, and Novoste, contributes to our internal and external experiences. These Vostes shape how we feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. While most people's Vostes are contracted and limited, the core meditations of Ahpay Amah offer a path to expanding and growing our Vostes, thus expanding our sphere of influence and deepening our connection with the cosmic information that surrounds us.

The Sayvoste, located in the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows, is the Voste responsible for insight and the formulation of our perceived reality. It is through the Sayvoste that we tap into our observing mind, the source of intuition and divine connection. When the Sayvoste is awakened, we embark on a journey of exploration, venturing into the unknown and discovering new insights that defy the boundaries of conventional wisdom.

Intuition, a divine trait that resides within us, is nurtured and amplified by the Sayvoste. It is through intuitive thoughts that we navigate uncharted paths, leaving behind the comfort of what is known and embracing new awareness. In these moments, we truly connect with our divine essence, experiencing the wonders that unfold when we trust our intuition. No worldly wealth can compare to the clarity and wisdom that arise from embracing and expanding our Sayvoste.

While the Vostes and the chakras share similarities, they are distinct in their origins and purpose. The chakra system, popularized in various spiritual traditions, is widely known, but the Vostes date back even further in history. In fact, modern masters of Ahpay Amah believe that the chakras may have originated from the ancient wisdom of the Vostes.

The Vostes, as understood by the old masters, are three-dimensional spherical zones of vibrational frequency. They can be expanded and united into one enormous sphere, amplifying our influence and connection with the cosmic symphony. Unlike the hierarchical nature of the chakras, the Vostes are equal in importance, each contributing to the properties of the whole. The expansion of the Vostes is not a journey from bottom to top but a harmonious expansion that allows us to manifest our true potential.

The cosmos, with its infinite harmonious vibrations, offers a profound lesson in existence. Humanity possesses a unique ability to expand or contract our resonance influence, shaping our connection with reality. When our Vostes are expanded and resonant, we become the lead vocal in the cosmic philharmonic, radiating our influence and contributing to the symphony of life. However, when we shrink our resonance, we become a mere whisper, diminishing our connection with the cosmos.

Each Voste carries a resonant trait that influences our internal and external experiences. For example, the Sayvoste resonates with divine love, which is felt in the chest near the heart. When we expand this Voste, we radiate more love to those around us. It is essential to note that attempting to turn the harmony of the cosmos into a destructive force contracts our frequency and diminishes our influence. The cosmos guides us to exist within its harmonious vibrations, allowing us to manifest our highest potential and become an integral part of its ultimate song.

To awaken the power of the Voste and activate the Third Eye, various practices can be employed. Meditation is a powerful tool, particularly when focusing on the area of the Third Eye. By visualizing indigo light or the vibrant energy of the Voste, we stimulate its awakening and enhance our connection with higher consciousness. Yoga poses such as child's pose, downward-facing dog, and seated forward bend can also help open and balance the Third Eye.

Aromatherapy using essential oils like lavender and sandalwood can create a conducive environment for Voste activation. Crystals like amethyst and lapis lazuli, known for their spiritual properties, can be used in meditation or placed near the Third Eye to enhance its resonance. Breathing exercises, such as pranayama, can also contribute to the balance and activation of the Voste.

The Voste, with its profound influence on our perception and connection with the cosmic energy, invites us on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. By expanding and balancing our Vostes, particularly the Sayvoste, we unlock the gateway to insight, intuition, and divine connection. Embracing the power of the Voste allows us to tap into our true potential, navigate uncharted paths, and discover the wonders that lie beyond the known.

In the mystical realm of the Voste, serendipity and destiny intertwine, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of ourselves and the cosmic symphony that surrounds us. As we expand our sphere of influence and harmonize our resonance, we become active participants in the ultimate song of existence. Let the Voste be your guide on this sacred journey of self-discovery, as you unlock the secrets of the Third Eye and embrace the transformative power that lies within.


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