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The Pact of Fkri and Nshend: An Unraveled Chronicle

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

Several hundreds of millennia ago, the direct influence of the Watcher and the Traveler ended. This condition emerged due to a wager made by the two higher-dimensional beings. Instead of extracting Fkri from this dimension, Nshend agreed to the conditions she proposed.

The following is Master Goddess Nava’s vision of that very moment

Fkri moved to an old pit where primitive humans had cooked an animal. Several ashy bones lay in the pit. She reached down to grasp five small bone remains. Using a sharp stone, she carved symbols into the small bones. "I hold in my hand symbols of the five paths I teach as the Watcher. I will distribute them among five of my Watchers. You shall not harm them, and neither of us shall form flocks. The one who is remembered last shall inherit humanity. Until then, let us leave them to their fate. But I warn you, as long as there are Watchers, my name will endure."

Nshend's eyes crinkled at the corners. "I understand. Your existence extends only until the last being who remembers you perishes. I accept your terms; I won't harm your chosen five, and neither of us shall teach anymore. You'll lose this wager. Humans don't merely hunt beasts; they hunt each other. When all unfolds as I envision, there won't be a place on Earth for your Watchers to hide."

"I disagree. They will preserve my memory."

"What inspires such faith in their frail hearts? I pity you. They don't desire freedom. It's too late. The people want me. As you suggested, I'll simply watch."

Master Goddess Nava’s explanation of the Watcher According to Master Himāla Pahāḍī’s journals:

It was the first day I met Master Goddess Nava, still before I asked to be her student. We sat on a rug outside her apartment, engaged in conversation.

She mentioned a Watcher, and I asked, "Who is the Watcher?"

"My master showed me through ritual visions," she said, pausing to recall. "It feels more like recollections of memories than visions. You see, Master Asta would put me into an out-of-body state. It's intense, almost as if I were truly there, knowing all the ages and locations innately.

I found myself amidst a ceremony held by ancient African people. They had formed a community deeply attuned to the rhythm of their ecosystem. A fish hung over a fire, and ritualistically, the people danced around it.

Then, at the conclusion of the ceremony, a mysterious-looking, humanoid woman approached them. Her skin was unnaturally midnight black, glinting in the firelight as she walked toward them, entirely nude. She radiated with energy, and her eyes were like coins of silver, shining brightly with the essence of every star in the cosmos.

The dancing ceased, and the gathering stood, taken aback by her presence. I thought they might attack her, but instead, they seemed transfixed. Several ran up to embrace her. At that moment, I realized, watching this scene unfold, that this was the woman who, years earlier on the streets of Kathmandu, urged me to find my master.

I knew she taught these beings how to transcend time, and they were timeless indeed. These early humans were unlike us today; they appeared more cosmic, bridging the gap between the stars and the Earth. Primitive, non-Homo sapiens humans danced beside them, their eyes possessing a duller spark. All present had a dark brown brick-like tone and wore long carbon-black hair.

The vision darkened, and time advanced. I gasped as all the beings I had just witnessed lay dead, slain by knives and arrows. The mysterious woman stood amidst the carnage, her confusion evident.

In the distance loomed a man who did not emit the bright energy seen earlier. He, too, had dark skin and wore heavy furs, clutching weapons stained with the blood of the slain. They locked eyes, her silvery gaze shifting from curiosity to heartbreak and confusion. His eyes appeared unsettling, two lifeless, ashen orbs radiating disapproval, akin to the gaze of an authority figure when disobeyed.

Later, my master performed another ritual. I left my body and journeyed to a much later time, perhaps a thousand years ahead or more. I remained in the same land, East Africa. The same nude woman walked the fields, still youthful, accompanied by several other nude followers who trailed her like a flock.

In the distant hills, the same violent man stalked, still appearing youthful but exuding an even darker essence. He now wore warrior garb, leading a legion of menacing warriors who marched proudly to songs of conquest.

The woman and her flock dwelled in a harmonious ecosystem, marked by contentment and a strong sense of community. Among them, no one suffered or fell ill. I cherished this vision immensely, until the moment the warrior man and his clan launched a violent attack, leading to the demise of all. The warrior, now angrier, bore the same gray, spiteful eyes. His thoughts seemed fixated on the woman. He loved her, but questioned why she didn't embrace his rules and authority. Why had she seemingly betrayed his dominion? She advocated for a life free of authority and dismissed grand ambitions for the tribe. He had lived countless lives, hoping to sway her to his perspective. Now, he needed to remove her to establish his vision for the world's future.

They reached an agreement. The woman could choose a handful of her flock to preserve her teachings for as long as those individuals could endure. However, she could no longer impart her wisdom to broader populations. I recall her thoughts filled with pity, not only for herself but for the people who had lost an opportunity to avoid a violent, short-lived path of suffering. That handful of her students went into hiding, passing on a lineage of masters that might extend to me today," she asserted.

"Did you know who that woman and that man were?" I inquired.

"My master was aware. They may appear human, but they are not. They are higher beings from a dimension beyond our own. These two beings came to shape the path of self-aware humans in our world. They perceived our dimension much like a child views a video game. Both sought to define the rules of this 'game,' yet they held polar visions of how it should be played.

With the woman's teachings concealed, the man's vision took root. He is the reason our world is as it is today. His name is Nshend, an ancient word meaning Traveler. He traverses the ages as a warrior who believes that rules and people never change. His vision revolves around authority, where the mighty lead and control everyone. He clings tenaciously to his vision, having expended great effort to bring it about. He overcame a being he loved, a woman named Fkri.

Fkri, an ancient term meaning Watcher, sat upon the earth, teaching a life free from the cycle of rebirth. Unlike the authoritarian ways of a warrior, her teachings centered on ascension and freedom from suffering. This absence of suffering sustained her followers, and she aspired to share her wisdom with all, enabling them to attain fulfillment. Over the ages, they whispered her teachings to those who roamed the earth, until Nshend's influence waned. If not for the masters of Ahpay Amah, her techniques would have perished with her," she explained.

"How can you be certain that these visions are authentic?" I inquired.

In response, she chuckled. "Are you suggesting that I'm fabricating them all?"

"No, that's not precisely what I meant."

"My visions were accurate. I know this because, much later, I came across an account of them written in Sanskrit. I was traveling through Southern Tibet when the people of a local tribe claimed to have heard of Ahpay Amah. They told me that a student of Master Goddess Tujata had hidden scrolls deep within a local cave, perched high on a cliff face. I climbed the precarious sandstone cliff to reach the cave they indicated. Inside, I discovered five large jars sealed with decaying scrolls. These scrolls detailed Master Tujata's visions of Fkri and her life, with a particular focus on her inclination to teach the locals about the more intimate aspects of Ahpay Amah. They remain there to this day," she concluded.

"Did your master guide you to these tribe's people?" I asked.

"No, I encountered them long after my master's passing. To find scrolls that confirmed a lineage of masters dating back to at least Master Goddess Tujata, I couldn't believe my luck. Then, I realized the truth. These scrolls languished there, decaying, because modern people regarded them as crude scripts of ancient erotica. It scarcely mattered if people took them seriously or not. Even if you read them, you would still require a master to comprehend the rituals. I knew my master was pivotal to making these rituals work," she explained.

"Why do you believe your master was the linchpin?" I asked.

"Why? Can you tell a blind man that his eyes are fine? Simply open them and see," she remarked.

"Am I blind?" I questioned.

"You are, but it's not your fault. The truth has never been revealed to you. No one has ever told you that you must connect with your vibrations through a union of body and spirit. An authentic master will demonstrate how to transcend the confines of your oppressed body, revealing that you are a part of a greater whole. You become ready through integration. Only then can the body heal and ascend into a state of healing. Integration challenges everything society has taught you."

"How so?"

"You employ the trust-based relationship with the master to facilitate the integration of various aspects of your memories, emotions, and body. The power of the master-student relationship is formidable, as it furnishes the student with the means to confront and process memories, emotions, or bodily sensations that would otherwise overwhelm them. Without a trusted master, these experiences can be overpowering. When they're not, you can achieve your fulfillment," she detailed.

"If your master has passed away, who teaches you now?" I asked.

"I no longer require a master, for when the master passes, the student becomes the master. Rarely have there been more than one living master in the last hundred thousand years. It's a method of safeguarding knowledge from those who might suppress it. Additionally, it has been a tradition since the murder of the ancient masters for a master to remain anonymous. A student must never reveal the identity of their master. They do not disclose who carries forth the teachings, be it a man or a woman. In Nepal, it's so perilous that if a master and student cross paths on the street, they pass each other like strangers," she said.

"You wouldn't even exchange greetings?" I inquired.

"We wouldn't acknowledge each other's presence," she affirmed. "I did not adhere to this tradition meticulously, which is why I wasn't enough, and a 'hunter' slew my master. There exist hordes of men and mechanical abominations adept at hunting masters."

"But now you are the master. Aren't you concerned about your safety?" I speculated.

"I am formless, deathless, even in my impermanence. Death is the shore, and we are the waves approaching it. But I'm not merely the wave; I am the water, and so are we all. Like my master, I must choose a single student to guide to ascension. I am committed to upholding this tradition and will train only one student," she stated, tilting her head as though momentarily lost in the past. "But I have not yet made this selection. That's why I am in Canada."

"I understand. However, if something were to happen to you, wouldn't all your knowledge perish with you?" I inquired.

"I don't expect you to fully grasp this, but a master must sense the approach of their own eventual end and, prior to that, train their successor," she stated, her gaze inquiring. "However, I can share this much with you. Masters do not make their choice lightly. They discern something essential in their chosen student. Though I was young, still in my teens, from the moment I met my master, I sensed the honor of being chosen. My master was a rarity, an ascended master and a master of Ahpay Amah. Ahpay Amah signifies direct comprehension of enumerated knowledge, leading to extrasensory abilities. They perceive past and future lives, transcending ordinary existence to possess powers. Once you learn from such a master, you, too, become one. I possess some of these 'powers,' one might say. This structured knowledge, many consider it mythical. I possess heightened awareness of various subtle techniques, along with mastery of the most crucial foundational practices. All masters share this foundation. Nonetheless, the right student has proven elusive. This world can be unkind to these teachings. Many individuals reject relief from their suffering, believing their suffering to be righteous. I cannot instruct someone who holds such a perspective," she explained.

Disclaimer: All images are for illustration purposes only. They were hand drawn by Master Himala Pahadi then editeed digitally, through photoshop or created through Leonardo Ai and edited through photshop.


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