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Unleashing Your Psychic Gifts: Exploring 6 Different Abilities and 5 Ways to Tap into Your Potential

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

Six different abilities for the spiritually gifted

Have you have ever felt an overwhelming sensitivity towards the emotions of your companions, family, or even strangers and have you wondered if you possess psychic abilities? If you have, you are not alone. Unfortunately, many people go through life unaware of the hidden gifts that may lie within them. This lack of awareness stems from the negative stereotypes associated with the term "psychic," perpetuated by fraudsters and tricksters who deceive unsuspecting individuals into wasting their resources on false prophecies. There is no magical "Am I Psychic Quiz" that can instantly reveal your innate traits and abilities. We can dispel these misconceptions and explore our extrasensory potentials. True psychics have the power to perceive, hear, feel, or sense phenomena that extend beyond the physical realm. While developing these senses may require effort, it is possible to sharpen them and nurture our spiritual gifts through dedicated practice over time. In this article, we aim to guide you on a journey to unlock diverse psychic abilities, which you can then utilize for your own benefit and the well-being of those around you. Before we embark on this quest, let us first understand the various types of spiritual gifts that exist.

1. Claircognizance

Claircognizance is the remarkable ability to comprehend a matter deeply, even when there is no logical explanation for one's conviction. Some may call it a "gut feeling" or a "hunch." For certain individuals, it manifests as an elusive sensation that defies clear explanation, while for others, it fills their consciousness with unwavering certainty. If you have ever wondered, "Am I psychic?" and discovered that your instincts rarely lead you astray, it is highly likely that you possess this extraordinary gift. However, the only path to confirming whether you are truly claircognizant is through trial and error. By practicing meditation and utilizing crystals to enhance your focus, you can strengthen this ability. The more you engage in introspection, the greater the knowledge that will come to you.


Energy healing is the core principle of this psychic art—an exquisite ability to restore the very essence of another's vitality. In modern society, it has gained recognition as an alternative form of healing practice. However, it is important to note that this procedure should only be performed by experienced psychic practitioners who possess a significant life force flowing through their bodies. In Japan, this technique is known as Reiki and is revered as a contemporary expression of spiritual healing. Due to Japan's geographical location prone to earthquakes, there is a constant need for healers during times of calamity that affect densely populated areas.


Clair-scentience bestows upon individuals the psychic ability to perceive scents associated with places and events they have not previously experienced. However, this gift is rare, and knowledge of how to harness this "sixth sense" remains elusive to most people. To determine if you possess this ability, reflect on moments when you have detected an aroma or scent that doesn't match your immediate surroundings. If such olfactory experiences occur frequently, you may question, "Could I be psychic?" In that case, it is highly likely that you have this psychic aptitude. Those endowed with this gift can conjure scents associated with a location, person, or object simply by thinking about them. To enhance this sense, direct your focus inward, cultivating a serene state of mind while imagining the desired location. Eliminate distractions and concentrate solely on the sensations that flow through your nostrils.


Within the realm of psychics, a prevailing belief persists that each individual possesses a unique aura—an ethereal manifestation of their energy. Those gifted with the ability to see, read, or sense these personal energetic fields can perceive auras. Although invisible to most, auras hold no secrets for these select few. Notably, one's kin, especially family members, can be distinguished by the colors of their auras. Skilled aura readers can even gain insights into a person's character by interpreting the subtle shades of their radiant energy. By combining aura reading with other psychic abilities like empathy, practitioners can identify individuals in a crowd who require support or spiritual guidance. Once such a soul is recognized, they can offer assistance on their path to resolution, rectifying any imbalances within their aura.


"Am I clairvoyant?" Many have witnessed portrayals of characters in movies possessing clairvoyant powers. This remarkable ability, in some ways, may be easier to recognize. Is there a quiz or assessment available for those who have visions, to determine if they are psychic? If your subconscious mind provides you with information, events, or knowledge that you couldn't possibly know except through these visions, then the likelihood of possessing this ability is significant. Clairvoyance often reveals itself through vivid dreams that unexpectedly come true. These nocturnal visions and insights grant us an awareness, a glimpse into the past, present, or future that ordinary people cannot grasp. While you may not have the ability to read minds, it may seem as though you do, for you possess knowledge about friends and strangers that surpasses normal perception. Maintaining a dream journal can be beneficial if you suspect you have this gift. Engaging in meditation allows ethereal images to flow through your mind, awakening your inner eye. This inner vision will grant you the power to visualize with clarity, enabling you to observe and recall your dreams with utmost precision.


Astral projection is an extraordinary and profound experience where one's spirit feels liberated from the physical body, exploring boundless realms. Experts liken it to telepathy. If you're familiar with the intricacies of the television series "Game of Thrones," you have a glimpse into the world of astral projection.


The world of psychic abilities, my friends, remains a mysterious realm, often beyond complete understanding. Intuition, belief, and extrasensory perception, often dismissed as fleeting whims or passing moods, possess the potential to develop into powerful psychic faculties. However, realizing such gifts necessitates practice, commitment, and a relentless pursuit of self-discovery. While some fortunate individuals are naturally inclined towards mystical abilities from an early age, not everyone recognizes their "sixth sense" or comprehends the profound insights they possess about people and events around them. It is common to feel disconnected from one's own emotions, yet by having faith in oneself and embracing the practices that follow, one can unlock the hidden psychic potential within.


When it comes to psychic energy, it's important to treat your body as a sacred temple. Neglecting its needs can leave you feeling uncomfortable and sluggish. To align yourself with your psychic abilities, prioritize a healthy lifestyle. Feed your body with nourishing, wholesome food (plants are excellent choices) and engage in regular exercise. A healthy body serves as the initial channel for channeling your psychic powers. However, it's important to avoid excessive exertion. Listen to your body's whispers and engage in activities that bring you comfort. Simple stretches, practicing yoga, or taking leisurely walks are sufficient for maintaining your well-being.


To develop your intuition, it's crucial to create a supportive environment that fosters its growth. How can one expect to enhance their psychic abilities if they feel uneasy in their surroundings? Dedicate a space where you can find solace, a sanctuary to cultivate your psychic skills, nurture your intuition, or connect with the spiritual realm. Decorate this sacred area with objects that bring you peace and resonate with your mind and soul. Let these belongings hold sentimental value or serve as tools to channel your extrasensory perception—whether it's a deck of tarot cards, a crystal ball, or talismans that guide your path. A seasoned tarot reader always keeps their cards nearby, ready to embark on a psychic journey whenever the opportunity arises.


As mentioned earlier, it's worth emphasizing that numerous psychic practitioners use external objects to center their focus and stay grounded while accessing their abilities. The practice of touching an object to perceive its energy is commonly referred to as psychometry. Here are several items you can utilize to enhance your psychometry skills: jewelry, crystals, crystal balls, and metallic objects.


To access your psychic abilities, it is crucial to let go of past negativity. Release any grudges that burden your soul, especially those held against friends or family, as they hinder the clear interpretation of events, dreams, and emotions. Recognize that forgiveness is key to inner peace, an essential state for channeling psychic energy. Actively resolve conflicts or, even better, strive to avoid them altogether, fostering harmony within yourself and your environment. Psychic energy and discord cannot coexist; one will inevitably displace the other.


Our lives are consumed by constant activity—a never-ending whirlwind of obligations, financial responsibilities, and social commitments. In the midst of this chaos, our minds often wander away from the present moment, disconnected from the ground beneath our feet. To align with your psychic abilities, it is crucial to slow down the relentless flow of time and find inner calm through the practice of mindfulness meditation. Don't let the complexities of life overwhelm you. Dedicate a few minutes each day to sit in silence, attuning yourself to the natural rhythms of the universe. If meditation leads you towards sleep, fear not, for a peaceful walk in a serene environment can be just as effective. Choose a path of tranquility where thoughts can flow freely, allowing your body to release the burdens of negativity and stress that hinder your progress.

Never abandon your pursuit of self-improvement. Stay committed to your practice within a serene environment, trusting that clarity will emerge in due time. The thought, "I think I'm psychic," might stir apprehension within you, but have no fear, for you will shed the outer shell of doubt and embrace your psychic power wholeheartedly. These newfound abilities require persistent dedication, much like a child's journey from crawling to walking. Progress may be slow and deliberate, but rest assured, with patience and perseverance, you will succeed in harnessing your extraordinary gifts.

Lastly, on this very platform, you will find detailed descriptions of Ahpay Amah meditation techniques that can greatly assist you in your noble quest to cultivate your extraordinary gifts and nurture mindfulness.

Credits: The article's image was created in


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