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Unearthing the enigmatic roots of Ahpay Amah

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

The insights that spawned, what we today call shamanism, began with events involving visitations. These visitors were higher beings from other “realities” or “dimensions”. Both coexist separately alongside our own. Ancient humans understood that some of what we can call magic is a really multidimensional para-physical phenomenon that is accessible. The knowledge of magic is a phenomenon that has occurred before and throughout recorded human history. Higher consciousnesses taught this to humanity in our prehistory. The mystics throughout the ages ascribed mythological or supernatural creatures as guides. Why? Because there really are guides. The first of these to teach Ahpay Amah was Fkri, a name meaning Watcher in the first East African language.

Who is Fkri? Perhaps it’s simplest to describe her as a higher dimensional being. She looked similar to a human woman, but more radiant. She appeared right as homosapien-sapien dawned. The old masters of Ahpay Amah describe her appearance as a glimmering onyx skinned woman with reflective silvery eyes. She is said to have walked amongst the people nude. This had a meaning. It was a show of transparency and security. Her nudity was also a symbol of nonviolence on top of her immunity to illness and harm. There were many other philosophical meanings to her nude state, which will be addressed throughout this tome. Her message was of Direct Knowing. The words for Direct Knowing in that same language translated to Ahpay Amah.

What did she teach? The aforementioned Direct Knowing. It is an escape from the trap of a short and suffering life. An awareness of connection to the natural world and a step-by-step ascension towards an orgasmic state of existence.

The beings who first learned from Fkri used her teachings to discover their innate abilities of timelessness. Age and sickness did not affect them. Childbirth was rare and only happened in the cases of a death occurring. The cellular and genetic make of these ancient ancestors was not the same as ours now. It was because of genetic interventions that the modern human has, in all ways, devolved.

However, despite our physical degradation and losing most of our history to suppression, Fkri’s methods survived. The masters of Fkri have passed her Direct Knowing down from master to student until this day.

It is a very dangerous knowing to have, because of another higher dimensional being. Early humans called him Nshend.

Not as radiant, though more dominating of a presence, Nshend came to our dimension shortly after Fkri. Nshend, a word from the same language, means Traveler. He sought to move humanity in a time based, rather than timeless direction. He desired to create a race that would produce great cultures and societies, rather than great individuals. With cunning and manipulation, Nshend led the self-aware beings of our dimension into divisions. They adopted his philosophies of glory and conquest. They soon believed that the might of victors should forge culture and great societies.

Over time, humanity lost its gift of fulfillment and longevity. The suffering people experienced shrinking lifespans that now struggle to reach even a century. His vision had taken hold. All things are as they are because Nshend convinced beings of the glory of violence towards others.

As Fkri and her flock of ascended beings became hunted for the crime of not dividing into tribes, they hid the direct knowing and passed it down from master to student one by one. All shamanism derived from Fkri. Fkri’s direct line of masters as of the writing of this tome ends with me. My master was called Master Goddess Nava and her master was named Master Asta. All masters in this direct line continued to call it Ahpay Amah, for it was the source and held its truth. Much of what is shamanic, religious or occultic, etc… over vast distances shares similarities. These show that the source was singular, yet like a game of Chinese whispers, over time the direct knowing became augmented. There have also been further influences from higher dimensions which have and continue to influence our world.

​If you understand these events as the shamans and masters did, then magic is something most misunderstand. Extra dimensions, as a reality, show the illusionary state of our existence. Matter did not form a universe then create consciousness to observe it, but the opposite. Humans are not the first or only beings observing this universe. There are billions, and this observation creates reality. Because the observer creates the material, the material is essentially illusionary. Any change of intention or thought can change the illusion. Communication with guides will teach you just that. They do not do your bidding to change anything. You are doing it. Everybody is magic, if magic is reforming the illusion. No one is innately more or less capable of changing the illusion than the next. The more minds you have to put toward the intention, the more potent the results. Thus, in Ahpay Amah, you see the use of more than one conscious mind to create results.

Things we do not consider being magic work the same. If not for the collective agreement, money would be useless, people who have power would have nothing. All things are as they are because we agree they are. We are magic beings because we can agree or disagree as a collective. That makes the ‘make believe’ reality.

To pull this out of the weeds to see the forest finally, here is the truth: You are vibrations emanating from a single Source that create everything you can see and can not. There are things you don’t see that your imagination cannot imagine. What you are in this illusion of life is a collection of brilliant experiences. The point of life is nothing but the experience of life. Nothing else is necessary. That means, no matter how you live it, you did it right. Ahpay Amah will have it be one of magic and fulfillment, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be pain and suffering, too. You will experience what you choose, then become the Source again. Because you are the Source, I am, he is, she is, it is, they are, all things imagined or not, is the Source. Call it god, call it nothing. Words are only bound to cause arguments. Magic cannot come from arguments.

“Fkri would say you can be magic or you can argue that I am wrong. But not both.” — Master Asta

Note: Those who have seen what we call shadow people will not be surprised by the descriptions of these two higher-dimensional beings. Certainly, Fkri and Nshend are not the only other-dimensional beings who visit humanity. Some are curious, some malevolent, but never have they not visited.

Disclaimer: All images are for illustration purposes only. They were hand drawn by Master Himala Pahadi then editeed digitally, through photoshop or created through Leonardo Ai and edited through photshop.


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