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Whispers of the Wind: The Ām̐dhī Air Meditation

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

Ām̐dhī is a Nepali word for Air. In English, we refer to this meditation as the air meditation. Air simultaneously permeates and envelops us. We feel the air infiltrating our lungs and other body cavities. Once attuned to it, we become acutely conscious of our breathing and its rhythmic flow in and out of the body.

We're aware of the air outside, caressing and making contact with us. Feel its subtle glide on your skin right now. The gusts of wind, the passing clouds, and the gentle breezes that sway branches and rustle grasses offer a ceaseless sensory experience. The line between permeation and embrace is blurred.

Within the air that surrounds and fills us lie the innovative insights of nature. The wind carries secrets in its murmurs and roars. This profound connection between air and insight was recognized by the ancient masters of Ahpay Amah. They attributed the force of the air to the vibrations of the Sayvoste. By truly immersing oneself in this meditation, the whispered truths carried by the wind can be discerned.

The venerable masters relayed a quote from Fkri: “When the mind resembles a tornado, conjure one around your body. Seat yourself within this whirlwind and gradually become one with it.”

How to Perform the Ām̐dhī Meditation

While in your natural state, lay flat on your back on a comfortable surface, with your feet off the ground and pulled together. Your knees should splay out to the side like wings. In your dominant hand, hold a feather, leaf, or fan made from either material. Traditionally, these tools are used because they harmonize the natural vibrations of the feather and leaves with the air, bringing pleasant and soothing vibes to your Vostes. However, there's room for personal creativity with the tool, provided it can fan the air effectively.

Position your non-dominant hand to rest just behind your head, with its palm facing up. Begin performing the Vostes Kō Nr̥tya by directing air onto your Sayvoste using your chosen tool. The aim is to create a whirl of air just above the Sayvoste, stirring its vibrations into a tornado-like motion. Allow the air to glide over your skin, capturing your vibrations. Concentrate on the area of your body the air touches. As you inhale, visualize blood and oxygen rushing to this area, filling it with vibrations from within.

Gently guide the vibrations from the Sayvoste down your face, channeling them into your Lovoste. Here, create another vortex of vibrations before guiding it back to the Sayvoste. Continue following the patterns from the Vostes Kō Nr̥tya, starting at the Sayvoste.

Note: For your Hayvoste, only move the air over the arm and hand (which should rest above your head) that isn't holding the tool.

  • Sayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Hayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Krayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Hayvoste to

  • Krayvoste to

  • Novoste to

  • Krayvoste to

  • Lovoste

  • Lovoste to

  • Hayvoste to

  • Lovoste to

  • Repeat

I recommend starting with this pattern to familiarize yourself with the flow of the meditation. However, if you make a mistake, don't dwell on it; let the process unfold naturally. As you become more accustomed to this pattern, feel free to adapt it in a way that resonates best with you. Throughout your meditation, maintain a concentrated focus on this healing vortex of air. Inhale, embracing life and feeling its nurturing force on your skin; exhale tensions, negative thoughts, or anything that might diminish your inner light.

This meditation aims to broaden your awareness and foster a harmonious relationship with all of nature. Yet, it is merely the beginning of your journey. Delving into natural elements through meditation will propel you past mere physical recognition and into a deeper understanding of their significance in our lives.


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