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Who were The old Masters of Ahpay Amah?

Authored by, Master Himala Pahadi

Who were the old masters of Ahpay Amah? This is a significant question. First, it's important to note that the old masters were not primitive hunters and gatherers. They established an advanced civilization several hundreds of thousands of years before the emergence of primitive hunters and gatherers. Modern archaeology typically traces our current version of humanity back to around 45,000 years ago. However, it's clear that there were versions of humanity that existed prior to that. What is often omitted from textbooks is the unmistakable intervention by an off-world source in the evolution of already developing primates. How far back can we trace this intervention? At least 250,000 years, and possibly even further. These interventions by our progenitors led to the creation of a new kind of human being, which, over the course of several hundreds of thousands of years, eventually became the eight billion people on Earth today.

But what was the purpose of this intervention? To answer that question, we must first acknowledge that our progenitors intended to create something different from what they ultimately achieved. Originally, they aimed to create a more primitive, less self-aware human population than us. Their goal was to produce a compliant and submissive workforce, a race of humans content with mining the Earth for rare materials. The combination of primitive human genetics and their own genetic contributions was supposed to result in a robust, long-lived human species that lacked a concentrated source of 'amahaana.' Amahaana was the term used by the old masters to refer to self-awareness or what we commonly refer to as souls.

Initially, our progenitors were pleased with their creation. They physically engaged with the newly formed race to educate them in labor and submission. The experiment appeared to be successful until this new race began to exhibit a preference for free will. Upon realizing that these beings had a deeper, direct connection to the Source, the progenitors could no longer use them as a 'labor' force."

"It appears that even highly advanced off-world races have overseers of an even more advanced nature. According to universal moral principles, races endowed with self-awareness should not be subjected to servitude by their creators. Due to this moral imperative, our progenitors eventually departed. Their created human beings were no longer of use to them. Consequently, in the aftermath of the progenitors' abandonment, these humans became like orphans - unguided, uneducated, and struggling to survive as a nascent race. Their only assets were their genetic advantages. Despite being physically weaker compared to their primate cousins and the various predators that roamed their environment, they possessed greater intelligence and creativity.

At a certain juncture, higher-dimensional beings took notice of this emerging 'soul' or amahaana race. Fkri, a rather benevolent being, was among those who sought to influence these humans. It's important to understand that while there is a considerable amount of amahaana life in the cosmos, considering the vastness of the universe, such life forms remain relatively rare. Therefore, shaping the future of a new amahaana race is likely regarded as a privileged undertaking."

Regarding Nshend, this remarkable discovery carries with it a consequence that humans can comprehend all too well: jealousy and disapproval. Whose vision is superior? Would you prefer a race that develops incredible metaphysical manifesting capabilities or one that relies on material technology to reach what he wanted the people to call the "gods" in the "heavens"? Were humans long-lived before Fkri? Yes, but her teachings extended their lifespans even further. How long did she teach them before Nshend's influence? That remains unknown. Before her intervention, they were essentially spiritual infants, unaware of ascensions, manifesting longevity, or Direct Knowing. Their knowledge was limited to the fact that their progenitors had created them and subsequently abandoned them, with only a small population on the planet.

Slowly, they would likely have faced extinction if not for Fkri. Through her teachings, they became powerful and timeless beings. If this had continued until the present day, we would exist in different forms, in a different location. The seven billion people currently on Earth would not be here. Instead, only a fraction of humans in their original form, with some natural evolution, would remain. They would be unrecognizable compared to us, possessing the ability to manipulate reality in ways reminiscent of their progenitors. It's worth noting that we represent a third genetic iteration, a different 'model' or 'make,' and while we possess the same potential, it lies deeper within us than it did with the old masters.

Now, it's possible that Nshend was the one who made us numerous and more visible in the cosmos. However, this development appears to come at the cost of our self-empowerment. The progenitors discovered that their abandoned experiment had not only survived but had returned to exert further influence over humanity. This has led to a tug-of-war between Nshend's vision and that of others, resulting in the complex situation we find ourselves in today. We are a collection of Nshendites, with only a select few understanding the true implications of this influence.


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